Monday, April 18, 2022

Reading to Himself

Peter was SO cute at violin today. He sat and read books the whole time. 

I went in to listen to the lesson a few times, and then would come out, and he was still there quite contently reading to himself.
Lots of fun books that he loves to read. This dinosaur encyclopedia is one of his favorites. 
And he was reading he was kinda slurping his words - 

So cute. I went in to listen a bit more in Sophi's lesson. When it was time to go, he had scooted over a bit on the floor, but was still reading. He read for the whole hour of lessons! So so cute.
It just made my heart happy. He's so adorable, we love him so much. I didn't exercise this morning because of carpool, and didn't get a ton don today. I wanted to try and go on a ride after violin. I invited Lily to come with me (she had fallen asleep after she gave up practicing, so I was trying to breathe some life back into her) and Peter saw us and wanted to come too, so we got the trailer hooked on.
And Peter came out with his balance bike... My idea of us riding in the road changed to thinking we'd go to the park where he could ride around. We didn't make it that far, as he saw the school playground and sweetly asked if we could go play on the playground. And since he voice was so cute and sweet, we did.
Natalie called my phone ~ "Where are you?" At the school park. "Can I Come?!?!" So I left Lily and Peter riding around the school, and I rode to the church to meet Natalie and help her cross the busy street. Back at the school, Peter found another playground!
Having fun on the slide - 
Lily and Natalie decided to balance walk along the wall - 
It was a long drop on one side, short on the other, so it took a lot of concentration.
It made Natalie a bit nervous and took a lot of concentration! 
Back over to the wood chip park. It was getting dark. 
I gave them 5 more minutes and then it was time to go home. It was dark. Peter wanted to ride his bike home. We decided to let him ride out of the parking lot, and then we all just kept going. Peter was super cute and he rode his balance bike all the way back home! I was impressed. It was a bit nerve racking, but he did great. I didn't get a video of it, cause it was dark, but it was really precious to see. I love being a mom, and I love these cute kids. They make our life full of joy and purpose. 

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