Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Two Missionaries

We didn't do a great job visiting with our missionaries last week while we were on vacation, but we kept them up to date on what we were doing by sharing lots of pictures on messenger. Yesterday and today we were able to talk with Ethan and Hyrum. Ethan is in the Dominican Republic and we talk to him on Mondays. 

Hyrum is in San Diego and he calls us on Tuesdays. When Peter talks to them, they usually tend to use the filters.

They are both doing well and it is really nice to be able to talk with them every week. They are good at writing weekly emails, we don't do such a good job writing to them. Ethan is going to be home at the end of June! That is crazy how soon that is coming up. That feels like that will be here quickly, but this baby's due date still seems far, so I'm trying to stay focused on Ethan's return rather than the baby's birth. 

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