Friday, April 8, 2022


We have another sick kid today. Natalie wasn't feeling well last night, so I gave her a bowl. Peter woke up around midnight crying, so I went to help him, and then heard Natalie call for me. She said she threw up, but she didn't want to knock on our door and bother us. Such a good girl. She threw up in the bowl and didn't make a mess in her bed at all. I helped her out a little bit, cleaned out her pot, and she threw up a bit more in the toilet. 

I texted Corey at 12:30 am to let him know that we'd had another successful v(omit and to let me know, when I came back to blog it, what time it was when this happened). So that's 4 kids that have thrown up now. I'm hoping it doesn't keep spreading. Wes and Abi both felt well enough today that they came to SeaWorld, but Owen and Natalie stayed home. I would have liked to stay at the room with them, but Corey volunteered to stay behind and seemed to want to, saying he needed/wanted to get some work done. So yay, the 8 months pregnant lady gets to go walk around the theme park all day and not go on any rollercoasters (I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself). It was just a 10 minute drive from our hotel, so we left the tv on and Natalie in charge of Owen, and Corey and I both drove out. He dropped off Wes and the kids in his car, and Abi and Mel were with me and we parked and hurried our fastest to try and find Wes and the little kids. In fact, I was so excited about heading in without having to watch or wait for any little kids, that we didn't even take note of where we parked, which will play a factor in my attempt to go home later in the day. So we hurried out, I noticed we forgot a stroller, so that's a bummer. SeaWorld didn't allow food, but I had a little bit of snacks in Abi's and Peter's back packs. Abi and I walking in - we were laughing at my fashionable backpack.

We found them right away, which was a blessing since Wes's phone isn't working and we had no way to contact them. We all went into the Manta Aquarium together - 

It was crowded but good. 
Cute Peter.
And after that, the big kids headed to the Manta roller coaster, except for Lily who didn't want to go. So she and I started to walk somewhere with Daniel and Peter. We went and saw the turtles.
Peter likes turtles.
We also saw manatee and dolphins, lots of fish, sharks, manta rays and lobsters. Then we headed to the dolphin show. 
The older kids didn't make it cause they were still in line for the Manta. This might have been them in line for that?
This is them on Infinity Falls. They got wet and looks like they were having fun. 
I don't know what rides they went on or which pic is what. Maybe they are keeping personal journals to document that stuff, but you'll have to go search that out someday, cause I don't know and thus and not writing it here. The dolphin show was good and it was nice to sit. After that, LDP and I went to see the sea lions. 
I was struggling a little cause there wasn't much that Daniel and Peter could do. Corey asked how it was going, and I told him. He suggested we to go Sesame Street land. So we started to head over there. Walking slowly, cause Peter didn't have a stroller. I asked Lily to take a picture of me in my pregnant vacationing lady lot in life. 
We made it to the carousel - and I was glad that the line was shaded.

They were both doing great and were very patient. I asked how Owen and Natalie were. They were both out of it. Owen had hardly moved since collapsing on the couch yesterday after we checked into our room. 

Earlier this morning, Corey said that if O and N felt better they'd come and join us. But as of now, it didn't look like that was going to happen. We finally got to Sesame Street land, where there was a merry go round, that Daniel and Peter AND I could all ride, hooray. So we did that. Then we got in line to do it again. The big kids found us as we were in line for round 2 and they came with us. 
They had been having fun, but were happy to see Peter and Daniel. 
Riding the Jim Henson looking horses.
We went and got lunch after that at Altitude Burgers. We shared 3 burgers and 4 fries. Burger and Fries combos were $16 and one extra side of fries for $6. I ate the dates that I brought.
Then I went back at the merry go round with D and P. 
It was the only ride we went on today. We met at 3 to see the Orca show.
Abi told me that someone spit in her hair at the Ice Breaker ride, and she was touching her head and stuff. Then someone in the row behind us, noticing what we were talking about, pointed out that a bird pooped in her hair. Abi started laughing and was very grossed out! The lady said it is pretty rare to be pooped on and is a sign of good luck, ha! 
I went to the bathroom with her to try and wash it out. The killer whale show was really cool and then the kids took off again to ride coasters. I took Daniel and Peter to head back to the merry go round, but first we got one cup of dippin' dots for $10 bucks. 
Walking through Sesame Street land. 
There was a parade, so that was good cause that meant that people were watching that and that the line for the merry go round wasn't very long. Hyrum loved Elmo as a kid, but the rest of my kids do not like Sesame Street stuff at all. They do not want to watch it on PBS. But these two liked the merry go round. 
Peter on a pink horsey.
SO that was the day at SeaWorld for me and Daniel and Peter - a dolphin show, an orca show, and 5 rides on the merry go round. A good thing though is that it was not hot at all. The weather was perfect. Corey and I touched base and he said that Natalie was awake and that they might come out. I said I was done and so were the little boys, so we planned for me to head back to the hotel and I'd give Corey  my parking pass and he would come out with Natalie and Owen for a little bit and they'd meet up with the older kids and bring them home when the day was done. Sweet, sounds like a plan. So it took forever but we walked from Sesame Street land toward the exit, through the shark encounter - 
and we finally made it to the exit. Peter was tired but I couldn't hold him so I put him up on my shoulders. Daniel was a trooper. We made our way to the parking lot and that was when I realized I did not know where we parked. I tried to remember about how far Mel and Abi and I walked this mornings... Hm. We walked up a few rows looking around, but I couldn't see it. The Kia rental car I was in did not have a clicker on it - like I couldn't click the key to have it beep at me. It was an old fashioned put-the-actual-key-in-the-ignition-and-in-the-car-door-to-unlock-it type of key. It was still nice weather, but I was getting a little bit hot as walked around. These two tired toddlers were very patient as they walked around with me for 15 minutes as we tried to find our car. I was looking in the rows of the high 20s. There was another mother with two kids walking around the parking lot looking lost like me. We laughed at each other and I kept an eye out for her blue Acura and told her ours was a red Kia. I texted Corey of my frustration, he said a prayer, I did to, and then I found the car. The other lady was still looking after I found our car. I was in row 31. I asked her if she wanted me to drive her around, which I would have appreciated for my two kids if I was her (and I was a few minutes ago) so I picked her up and drove her up and down the rows to help her out. She did have a clicker, so that helped, but she was way off - she was over in row 19! Anyway, glad I was able to help. We drove home in a lot of traffic. Peter's carseat had been left in Corey's car, oops, so we made do. The boys fell asleep right away. 
And that was our SeaWorld adventure today. Back at the room, I gave Corey the parking pass and then he and Owen and Natalie headed out. N and O looked like they had a little bit of life in them. They met up with MAWLS and spent the rest of the evening at the park. I gave D and P some food, then took them with me to Costco, cause we have some friends coming over for breakfast in the morning, so I got stuff for that plus a lot more... probably bought too much food for the remaining 3 days of our stay. Oh well. I had a feast ready for Corey and the kids when they got home from the park. They're finishing up eating, and we gotta get to bed so we aren't too tired for a day at Busch Garden's tomorrow, plus the hour drive out there to Tampa. Busch Gardens allows outside food, so I'm stocked up and it should be a good day and I shouldn't have to waste money on expensive theme park food. Good night - time to sleep so we can wake up and do it all again!

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