Saturday, April 23, 2022

Spring Sports

It was a good Saturday. Corey and Mel and I went to the temple this morning. Spring has come late, and it still seems that winter is fighting letting go of it's control over the weather. But flowers are starting to bloom - outside the temple this morning - 

and some blossoms at the recreation center yesterday ~
And my only other picture from yesterday - Peter taking a nap yesterday with his baby dinosaur, so cute. 
Today after the temple, I took Abi to her soccer game and then I went to Costco. Abi's team had their first win 1-0. But the game got called off early cause one of the players and a parent were fighting with the ref, who was also the coach of the other team. Abi was bummed cause she wanted to play more. While I was taking kids to soccer, Corey took WLNODP to Scheels, just for fun. Peter shooting guns - 
They got ice cream and rode the ferris wheel and bought some wood swords and nerf bow and arrows.
And posed by a big bear.
They had fun. Corey is a pretty awesome father. Sophi had a soccer game after lunch, they lost against Park City but she enjoyed it and was voted the MVP of the game by her teammates. They were lucky they had sun during most of their game, but it was blizzardly around here most of the day. It cleared up enough this evening that Corey and I took a quick bike ride. It was wet and we got mud splatters up our back, but it was great. I'm excited to be able to ride without a baby in my tummy. But if I can make myself do it in my last trimester, it should help me be trained and ready to go ride in the mountains as soon as she's out. After being banned from even simulated rides at theme parks last week, I'm a little self conscious that it is irresponsible of me to go on a bike ride, hence the reflective jacket. We did 7.34 miles around the mouth of the canyon. 
A beautiful view of the mountains when we stopped for a little breather. 
We love where we live - it's great during every season. Skiing in the winter is wonderful and we're excited to start getting out on our bikes again now that spring is trying to come. We trust that summer morning rides are just around the corner!

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