Thursday, April 21, 2022

Hoping to Hibernate

Yesterday I was really struggling, just wishing I could crawl into a dark cave and sleep the next 5 weeks off and come out when this baby is ready to be delivered. I did go take a nap in our cold dark basement, and that was a pretty good cave, but then kids came looking for me. And turned on the light. I'm glad to have Mel home to help me out on days like that. I'm doing better today. It helped that I couldn't go hide in bed this morning cause I signed up to lead our Bible study group, so that was good. I also cleaned quite a bit because two friends were coming by at 1 to visit and drop off an early happy birthday gift (Amy and Maralee, who are currently leaders in our congregation's Relief Society Presidency). It was a nice visit. So that also helped me to have the motivation to clean the house, and I even broke a sweat from working doing that. Last night around sunset, I went on a quick 30 min bike ride, and that also helped break my hibernation mood. I'm going to try and go on another ride today. So that's about all that is going on in my life. Let's see what kid updates I can give... 

Mel made some chic pea salad for dinner. In addition to helping watch the kids, she also cooks quite a bit which is very nice. In our Bible Study group, we talked about Exodus 18 today where Jethro tells Moses he needs to not take on so much and delegate to others for their benefit and his. One impression I got as I studied was that I need to do the same and give my kids responsibilities to do. None of them have had chores lately other than cleaning their room. It would help them learn and grow if there were some expectations in place for them, and if we had some more set routines around that. So that's something to work on. 

Wes works at the Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center as a skate guard and a supervisor at the skate rink. He likes it as it gives him some time on the ice. He's also been working hard on math with BYU High School. Corey and I are both a little concerned though that he needs to get more done faster if he's going to graduate in time, so we're praying for him with that. He's a good kid, and it's nice having him home. He used to work at the desk in his room but he likes using the laundry room desk for some reason, maybe cause it has a door that locks? He also really likes Ben Shaprio reacting to TikTok videos. He kept Corey and I up last night past midnight watching a Louder with Crowder video with him. 

Abi has really been stepping up with school and music, which is great. She almost has all 3s and 4th on her report card, compared to mostly 2s and 3s last year. She's doing great at her lessons and might start at GMS like Mel was doing. She works helping my parents twice a week. She says their house makes her feel tired. I'm sure it's mostly cause it's quiet and cause my mom plays classical music. On Monday when I took the girls to violin, I turned on some special listening that their teacher asked them to do (Beethoven Symphony 6) and they were both so tired when we got there. Kinda funny. Anyway, I took Abi over there today, and snapped this picture of some spring flowers in their yard. Pretty!

I'll give updates on more kids next time when I don't have much to report on. 

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