Saturday, April 16, 2022

Telling Stories

It's been a good Saturday. Corey and I went and did an early morning temple session in Draper at 7, then picked up Abi from her soccer game which was at 9. They didn't have enough player and forfeited, but 4 players from the other team joined their team so they still played a game for fun. Then Abi and I went by Costco to get some desserts for an Easter dinner tomorrow at Corey's parents' house (going to make strawberry shortcake). Then it was just a day at home trying to get the kids to practice and clean their rooms. I think it's just Natalie and Sophi that need to finish their bedrooms. At 3:30 this afternoon, I was vacuuming and from my vantage point I saw this - Wes and Peter talking in my room - 

And Corey and Lily in the big girls' room. 
Corey was trying to get Lily to come practice, but instead let her share with him her artwork and creative stories. 
Wes had gotten home from his YMAD retreat at 1:30, and he missed his little brother. I went in and listened to Wes and Peter talking. Wes was telling him a story about Spiderman and dinosaurs. Peter was paying rapt attention - 
And I loved how he was kicking up his feet. Then it was Peter's turn and he told Wes a story, starting it with "once upon a time..." (adorable)
Here is a small part of the story telling that I was able to record.
I was glad I caught this moment of sibling bonding. 
On Thursday night, Corey went with Mel and Sophi down to Provo to see Joseph sing with Duly Noted. Another photo of sibling bonding and supporting one another!
After the performance, Mel and Corey came home, and Joseph kept Sophi with him because he was coming up tonight (he's going to shadow a doctor tomorrow) and so that he could take her out for ice cream. They both had homework to do, so he let her use a computer and they did that first - 
And then out for ice cream! I love seeing the kids do things one on one with each other. 
They didn't get home until after midnight, cause Sophi was stuck with a college kid who does things on college time (aka late) but that should be a good memory for her of spending time with her big brother Joseph. Oh, and I went on a short bike ride this evening! Just on the street and a little bit in the canyon. It was hard and I hope my hips are too sore tomorrow, but it was good. It's been a good weekend.

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