Thursday, May 5, 2022

Bandits and Fiesta

As a mother's day treat, we Utah Hibberts arranged for us all to go out to dinner with my mom and dad. We went to Bandits. Group selfie taken by Jared - You can't see Corey behind me and only get half of Jared...

I took a photo from the other side of the table. If we combine those two shots, we get everyone in. 
It was nice to visit. It wasn't busy since it was a Thursday so we had fun staying as long as we wanted. I arranged for Abi's flute lesson to be online so that we didn't have to worry about that. This dinner out marked another "last" for this pregnancy, cause I bet that I'll have a baby by the next time I see any of them, yay. I've got a little over 3 weeks left. At my doctor appointment on Monday, we talked about my being induced, and I'll be 39 weeks on May 29th, but they prob won't induce then cause that's a Sunday. And he said the hospital prob won't do it on Memorial day either, so it looks like May 31st might be the day, and that will be fun, cause that is my mom's birthday! So that would make it extra special. My dad shares a birthday with Jerusha's last child, and so now my mom might get a shared birthday too. Fun.

One unfortunate event - last night when Wes was leaving for the youth activity with our ward, he backed up the car from the garage, but then could not get it in gear. Corey tried to help, and it was not working. The clutch had gone out. So we left it in the street and got it towed today to Burt Brothers so they could take a look at it. 
Hyrum loves this car, so I sent a picture and asked them to use their strong missionary faith to say a prayer for the Fiesta, that it won't need a new transmission or repairs that are too expensive. It's going to be a bit of a hassle trying to run the family's events with only two cars this week, but I trust we'll manage. 

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