Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Toddler Expedition

Tonight Corey, Sophi, and Peter went on a "toddler led expedition" (as Corey called it).

Corey was going to go on a one on one bike ride with Sophi, but Peter saw them leaving and wanted to come. He loves bike rides with Corey. But then Peter grabbed his "dinosaur bike ride" which is what he calls his balance bike and he wanted to ride that. Ok, so they loaded that up. Corey got a few videos that I'll upload later. They went to the Quail Hollow trail and thought it would be too much for little P to do on his own, but he was determined and didn't give up and rode (aka walked with the bike between his legs) all the way to LaCaille, with only a few falls and cries on the steep parts. I was watching them on life 360, and when it was about 30 minutes from sunset, I knew that if they returned to the car going at Peter's pace, they'd be in the dark, so I drove over to pick up Peter. "Mom you found me!" 

We sure love these kids, and Peter is especially a fun little piece of heaven to have around for all of us.

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