Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Daniel's Penny

On Sunday night we had a fun conversation with Joseph and Melodie. After that, we tried to get the kids to bed and ready for the school week, but they were having too much fun talking. Mel and Wes were trying to make a TikTok account for funny family videos, like this one of Peter as a strawberry that we all think is hilarious. We really wish they'd all be quite and go to bed, so that the little boys have an easier time going to bed, but oh well. I got Owen and Daniel flossed and brushed their teeth and sent them into their room to quietly go to bed. A minute later, Daniel comes out holding his throat - I assumed that he and Owen had just been wrestling or fighting and that his throat hurt now, and I'm ready to start venting that "would you all please just get in your beds and be quiet!" but Owen didn't do anything, Daniel was holding his throat cause he had swallowed/might be choking on a penny. "WHY did you have a penny in your mouth?!?! WHY didn't you get in your bed?!?!?" He could breathe fine, he was able to drink water, so it didn't seem to be stuck in his throat. But he did say it felt like it was there and that it hurt. That made Corey think it would be best to take him into the ER for an x-ray, so it was 11 pm and Corey and Daniel left for the hospital, but not before giving the kids a venting lecture of "please when we say go to bed, CAN YOU ALL JUST GO TO BED? and be quiet!??" and "It's late, and now my morning is ruined (won't be able to exercise or get up early) cause I'm going to go to bed super late cause I'm going to the ER right now..." Daniel was a very good patient.

They took an x-ray of his throat, there was nothing there. Then of his abdomen... I spy a coin...
Well, ok, so good, it is not in a dangerous spot for tonight. So that was Sunday night. They said to bring him back in 48 hours for another x-ray to make sure it had passed. Corey and Daniel got back home shortly after 1 am. I read Corey's texts and saw the pictures in the morning, and Corey asked me to be in charge of the follow up/discharge stuff for Daniel. Well, I would rather look through stool that go take a trip to the doctor, so today when Daniel had to go #2, I had him use Peter's training potty so that I could inspect. And, even though it was in the appropriately in the last clump I searched, I did locate the penny. Go me. I didn't really save us any money by not taking him back for an x-ray, cause we're going to quickly meet our deductible when we start paying for the baby's delivery, but I did save myself some time, so yay. And Daniel now has a unique souvenir. 
It's copper finish was somewhat eroded. I guess that's what stomach acid does to copper. So now it's his lucky silver penny. I texted our pediatrician and he said there is nothing else to worry about, so that is over and the kids have taken us a little more seriously the past two nights about being quiet and going to bed when we say it's time to go to bed. We hope that our family bedtime lack of drama and decrease of noise continues to improve from here on out. 

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