Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Porch and Rock

Last Tues, Corey had volunteered to go work in a Church service garden, and he got kids to come with him. I was surprised when they were all back at home 25 minutes later - it was cancelled. But they were ready to work (cause Corey had promise them ice cream), so we had them dig out the weeds for a little bit in the flower beds in the front yard.

I don't know why we seem to have grass growing everywhere in the front yard and backyard where we want dirt, and dirt where we grass is supposed to be. Such a fallen world of weeds that we live in! 

Speaking of things that are fallen, the kids knocked over the front porch railing on yesterday. Owen took responsibility and was very remorseful.
I'm sure it was scary to hear it and see it all fall over. It was bound to happen eventually. Yesterday was the day I guess. 
The kids all ran in accusing Owen of doing it, I asked him what happened, they might have been fighting over the hose and then leaned or pushed against it. Our kids know not to touch it, so a neighbor kid might also be partially responsible, but it's really not anyone's fault. It's been wobbly and weathered for years, barely being held up by a fishing line (end of that post) for a while but I guess that fell off this past winter. It's kinda nice not having it in the way though! It looks a lot nicer from inside looking out the window.
In my attempts this year to get it fixed, last month I had messaged two people who were recommended to me over facebook. I messaged them yesterday to say it fell over and to see if they could come and give us a quote asap, and hopefully they will by this weekend. One of them said that wood is backed up and if we want to replace it with wood, it wouldn't be available until September. Maybe a metal would work, but the house is kinda committed to wood with that big beam on the left that is connected to the house. But again, it's been nice looking out the window without the railing there... maybe we'll just leave it down, and finish knocking down the rest of it by the stairs. We will need something on the right though, cause there's a 12 foot drop to the basement door off of that side. Luckily that part didn't fall over, but the wood there is weak and splitting too. So, yeah, another something that needs to be fixed.

One step in the right direction is that the rock that fell during the winter (first pic) was fixed today. We heard loud noises and then noticed an excavator out the front window.
Daniel, Peter and I went out to watch. The metal on the rock really made a loud noise!
They put it back, tested it's security, moved it back out again, put stuff under, then put it on top again. So it's back in place, but it still looks very top heavy... 
I'm hoping it doesn't fall again any time soon. 
We probably could have had them rearrange the rocks and put it on bottom, but I'm sure that would have taken longer and cost more. As it is, we were grateful to have it put back for just $500. Other quotes Corey got were $900 and $1000. So yeah, that's life. Things are good though, especially when we're able to get out for a bike ride. Corey and I went on a 40 minute ride this morning. He had already left alone, but then had a flat so came back and saw that I was about to leave, so he came on my loop with me. It was good to do a morning ride. I'll be glad when school is out and we can do that more often. We came back and Owen was at the table reading as he waited for breakfast. Such a good kid.
I feel a lot happier when I can go on a ride. I am scheduled to be induced on May 31st, so hopefully I'll have a baby in less than 2 weeks. I'm still here and am hanging on until then. My have hope thought for today is: "My track record for getting through bad days (and past pregnancies) so far is 100%, and that's pretty good."

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