Thursday, May 19, 2022

First Grade Magic

We've only got one week left of school for the elementary kids. Natalie already had her grade's big production, Sophi has a performance tomorrow, and Owen's "First Grade Magic" program was today.  He did a very good job. He's sitting on very far right of the top row and snuck a wave at me before it started. Cute kid.

They sang like 10 songs. Owen had an important responsibility of holding the E in the Valentine song. 
And another fun part was wearing their sunglasses as they sang about all the fun they will have during summer vacation.
Daniel and Peter came with me. We played at the park a little bit before the program, cause the school wouldn't let us in. D&P mostly did a good job paying attention to the performance, but Peter was climbing on me a little, which I'm finding a bit exasperating at the moment - something to do with being 37 weeks pregnant. I'm so looking forward to being done with this pregnancy. 13 more days. "Next time" (haha if there is a next time) I'm going to lie to make sure that my 39 weeks mark is not on a Sunday or a federal holiday. If it weren't for that I'd be done in 11 days. 

Another highlight of the week for Owen was that they celebrated his summer birthday on Tuesday. He got to bring a treat (Ding Dongs) and he received a birthday crown and a new set a crayons and he enjoyed being celebrated. Natalie's July birthday was also celebrated on Tues. She took her treats on Monday but they didn't have time, so she ate half of the box (she had 30 treats but knew she only needed 24 and helped herself, I think she shard one with Sophi too). She took the Little Debbie Birthday Cakes as her treat. We have lots of birthdays coming up this summer and they've all already let me know that they want friend parties, and the thought of that at the moment makes me exhausted. I guess we'll tackle that problem when we get there. 

Owen came home with us after his program. The other kids still had a half hour at school, so I helped Owen with his trumpet practicing and then he took off to play. Peter was sitting on the couch with me reading a bug and insect book. 
I recorded him a bit after I was done helping Owen practice. I was just reclining and trying to keep my feet elevated. Peter read the book twice. He's a sweet boy who likes all the boy things - cars, dinosaurs, Spiderman, and bugs.
I only have to make it through one more week of school and carpool, then I can be done. I am praying every day for my water to break, but if not, that the Lord will give me strength to endure. I'm taking a lot of naps and probably eating a little mindlessly as a distraction. Trying to stay calm. 

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