Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Weekend

I had an appropriate Mother's Day eve, with a ton of running around. It was a little worse that normal Saturdays cause the Fiesta is in the shop. It's no fun being down a car. Corey and I went to the temple early, and called home to the kids as soon as we were out to make sure that Wes and Abi were up and on their way to a neighbors house so they could get a ride to a service project with our Church Stake. It was for a FSY kickoff day long activity of service, fun at Classic Skating, and then a fireside with Briton Covey. Mel was up and on her way with the van to some volunteer thing with the Red Cross. She was home at noon, in time for me to take the van and go pick up Abi and Wes at Classic skating. Corey took LSNODP out to Kangaroo Zoo with the Get Out Pass, which I ordered in November and we gave to the kids for Christmas, but we only activated it now. Corey and the kids were looking at the choices and trying to decide where to go: 

So they went to have fun there, and Mel wanted to go to the store, so she came with me to pick up Abi and Wes and then the four of us went by Costco. Then home for Abi to get ready for a flute masterclass at 3. That was down by the U of U. I took her there, then came back home for 40 minutes before leaving again to take Mel downtown for a date. Then back over to the Zion Lutheran church to pick up Abi at 5, then dropped her off at a friends house. Wes was home doing homework the whole time. H He was going to stay for the activity and fireside, but he was feeling a little sick, so one of the leaders (our bishop) told him to go home and get some rest, cause Wes needed to be well enough to give a talk at Church today! Corey was on his way back home around 4, but took the kids our for tacos first - 

...then I got back home to get Sophi and Natalie and take them to a violin spring concert at Brighton. 

Sophi front and center. Here's a video of the group playing Minuet 2. I think it always sounds so nice to have a big group playing together! Sophi is toward the right in a mid length skirt and black boots, and Natalie is to the left, in a full length black skirt. They did a great job.

After the whole studio performance was done, we stayed there until about 8 listening to the special performing group Rocky Mountain Strings. Two of our neighbors are in that group. I was so impressed. It was pretty amazing playing. We left at 8 to go pick up Abi, then Mel texted that she was done with her date and on her way to Sandy via Trax, so we went straight there via freeway to pick her up, then home at 9. Yay, and that was my day in the car. 

In addition to a very Mom-appropriate Mother's Day Eve, it was also an appropriate Mother's day night, cause Peter was crying a lot and being a stinker. He hasn't been like that most nights, but he must have knows it was Mother's day. He does this thing where he wants to feel that you are there, so he'll either keep putting his feet on you/kick you or will put his hands on you/punch you, just to be sure you are near. He mostly kept hitting me in the face and kicking my tummy, so that wasn't very fun. I tried to get away from him around 5 am and went downstairs to the living room to sleep on the couch, and Peter found me there an hour or so later. He's cute, but his sleeping habits are sometimes not ideal. 

Hence, I woke up in not a great mood and not rested. I could tell I was still in the restless mom run around mode from yesterday and from not having a great night sleep. I am 36 weeks pregnant today, so officially full term, and I'm trying to exercise faith/plead with God to let this baby come asap and not make me wait another 3 weeks. I don't really believe that will happen, but am praying "Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief". It would be nice to have this done asap, cause I have a feeling that I'm going to go through one more pregnancy, cause I have prayed about how many kids we should have and the answer I got (end of this post) means I'm probably not done. 

Church was nice today. Wesley's talk was good. He referenced a Sheri Dew talk from 2001 called "Are We Not All Mothers" and a quick story of a mom experience I had, when I accidentally stepped on the nail of a pinewood derby car wheel and I was bleeding, and the kids came to help, but instead they got queasy at the blood and had to excuse themselves and Ethan fainted so I was trying to help myself and help them. It was a funny story from like around 2008, before my blogging days. The mom's all got a chocolate treat. I helped out in a primary activity where the kids got a few clues and tried to guess who we were by our feet and with help of the clues. My toenail polish gave me away, but my clues did to. I could hear my kids gasp with excitement of "I know who it is!!!". My clues were: I like soccer. I'm an artist, I play violin, and the give away clue was I have a lot of children. The kids gifted me very nice cards and letters. Sophi made a little pillow, Owen had two papers - one from church and a card from school. Hyrum wrote me a snail mail letter, Lily drew a card with a picture and letter inside. Ethan and Hyrum both called after church and we had a nice visit. 

The kids watched "Unbroken" while we got dinner ready and we finished watching it after people left. Joseph came up from BYU. There was one clip in the movie (where they catch the albatross) that ties in with a conversation that Joseph and Mel had afterwards about dating that was really funny, that I'll try to talk about later. It was funny and Corey was loving it and laughing really hard since they were both speaking from their male and female perspectives. Corey's family came over at 4pm and Joseph kept everyone entertained us with his rendition of "Piano Man" complete with harmonica as we finished setting out the food.
We had a nice dinner and visit and then we had fun afterwards as we watched old videos and looked at old pictures on the big screen, like this one of our cousins who are now teens but then toddlers looking like Adam and Eve digging in the sandbox together!
Joseph made a nice Instagram post to me (that's how this next generation pays tribute):
I'm the best mom he could ever ask for. Aww. "She's by far one of the most patient, loving, and selfless people I have ever met. Love you Mom!
Me heading to a BYU family Halloween party in 2004 - I'm Captain Hook with my cute baby Hyrum as Mr. Smee and Joseph as Peter Pan!
Before everyone left I went up and called my mom for a little visit. My mom is great. She's rock solid and salt of the earth. It was a nice mother's day. 

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