Monday, May 9, 2022

Violin and Soccer

Another usual Monday. The boys and I chilled at home, we're potty training Peter so that is one reason we're staying home a lot, the other reason being that I'm pregnant and have no energy for anything. We got a phone call from Elder Ethan, then I took Sophi and Natalie to violin. Here's a cute video of Peter reading a book there today - 

And after violin, we headed home where I had thought to leave the kids, but they wanted to come, so I took SNDP with me to Bluffdale for Sophi's soccer game. So one of the things I have not been loving about her being on this competition team, is the games that fall on school nights. 

I'm also not loving soccer cause they have practice twice a week, which means I have to leave the house. My not loving it might also be because I'm pregnant and don't want to do anything. We got Sophi there at 6:00, 45 minutes before the game, as required, and she went to warm up with her team, the kids played on the playground, and I sat in the car. 
It was kinda chilly, so once they were cold enough and a little before half time in Sophi's game, I got NDP the kids in the car and we drove to get a pizza for them to eat for dinner. 
They warmed up as they ate it in the car, then went back to play for a bit. 
Then we walked over to catch the last of Sophi's game. I watched the game while Natalie, Daniel and Peter rolled down the hill.
Go #14!
We saved Sophi a slice of pizza. NDP each had two slices and I was going to let Sophi have two, but then I ate one, after rationalizing to myself that she'll have just had after game snacks. Sophi was nice and wasn't upset about it. Heading to the car after the game. 
I think they lost, not a big deal. Sophi's having fun, but I think she'd have just as much fun doing rec, so we'll see what we decide to do next year. Tryouts are the last week of May, and I don't have the desire to do anything about it, so it prob won't happen unless Corey does it. We'll see what happens. She only has one more game, which is this Saturday, and then we're done. I think I'll be glad when Maycember is over. 

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