Tuesday, May 24, 2022

One More Week

I have ONE MORE WEEK. Some days, like yesterday, I do really well and am productive. Other days, like today, I'm just laying around hoping the day will pass and that Daniel and Peter won't need anything or talk to me. We've been watching our share of Disney movies and Paw Patrol. This pic from our friend Kevin's facebook summed up how I feel, ha

I will make it through this. Just one more week!!! I believe the day will come and I will be delivered. I have been humming Prince of Egypt "Deliver us!" but singing "Deliver me!" Maybe I'll write my own version of the lyrics. 

Today Peter had a successful #2 with no mess in his pants, so as promised, like we did with Daniel, we went to buy ice cream at the store - good job Peter!

He easily chose the Drumsticks, just like Daniel did. Peter carried them to the car. 
They were a bit heavy and he dragged them and the bag ripped, so I helped him out a bit. But he's so cute! He's been doing great at going potty. I've had no diapers for 2 weeks, which is the first diaper break we've had in 22 years. Way to go Peter!
Sharing the spoils of his victory with his siblings. 
Then we hurried and headed out to Abi's ballroom performance. Mel and Wes came in a separate car, I took SN and P with me. Sophi decided to come to this instead of go to another day of soccer tryouts. Lily stayed home to work with Corey on a Summerfest video that she needed to submit, plus she'll see the performance tomorrow at school. O and D were playing with friends. Corey is going to go to Abi's performance tomorrow. Abi in the white sparkly dress
She said it was super itchy, and it was hard cause it was the last dance and dress so she had to wear this one the longest, but it was pretty! Sacrifices we make for fashion. 
Taking a bow. 
Peter was perfect and sat quietly and clapped through the whole show, and then fell asleep right before it ended. 
It didn't look comfortable to me to have his cheek on the arm rest. Cute boy.
My parents came and watched the performance tonight, but they had to hurry out after and we didn't get a photo. and when I tried to get a pic of the kids, they were too distracted by the bag of Lays that Abi had. They were dropping chips all over the floor.
Well, good job Abi. She's enjoyed performing for two years with the Ballroom dance company. Fun stuff. I'm glad she got a second year since last year was messed up with covid. As we were leaving, we played "I spy" trying to find the Wride in the class group photos on the wall. 
Maybe that's another personalized game or book I could make - like a where's Waldo, ha.
It was a busy day, but we're almost done with the school year. The kids were tuckered out after scriptures, 5 kids out for the count (Daniel on the floor in front of them too)
Sometimes we wake them up and make them brush their teeth and get in their beds. Other nights, like tonight, we just left them (except for Peter). They usually make it into their beds by morning. 

One other item for documentation's sake: I sent Corey a text at 1am this morning. He had been snoring so I couldn't sleep, so I finished reading Deuteronomy in my closet, and then I heard Lily yapping it up in Sophi's room at 12:37, so I went to tell them to go to bed, they did, then I went down to sleep on the couch and head something. I thought it was Lily sneaking around some more, so I went to get her, but it was Wes. He had been on Mel's unlocked computer which had been in Corey's office with the door open and also unlocked. He looked guilty, confessed what he was watching, and told me he can't be trusted. Good to know. He also confessed that when he asks to borrow my phone or computer for math that he hasn't needed it for math. So yeah, we'll be doubling down on this again. 

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