Thursday, May 26, 2022

Summer Break Begins

Happy last day of school to the elementary kids! The older kids still have one more week. This morning I took Lily to jazz band and Wes to seminary, cause Wes hurt his wrist last night at a youth activity when he jumped over a railing and didn't land on his feet. It hurt and so he couldn't drive the stick shift and he couldn't take Corey's car and my car isn't here. Yesterday I took Abi to Costco to buy flowers for their ballroom teacher, who is retiring, and on the way home, the van started going totally berserk. The battery light had been coming on for the past two days, so I had taken it in earlier to get that checked, they said it was ok, so I left, even though the battery light was still on. I went home, got Abi, and we left. As we were driving home from Costco, the tv screen light stopped and Peter was with us in the back and he got mad about that, so we just turned it off and tried to turn on music for him, but then the music stopped too, and then front screen was flashing on and off, the air stopped, the windows wouldn't go down, and DRIVE wasn't working! So I pulled over into a neighborhood and tried to assess what was going on. I called Burt Bros and said I was bringing it back in. I put it in low gear but the engine was still revving, and Peter was still mad about the tv and music and also started crying for a drink, Abi gave him one and as he was drinking, the car lunged forward and he spilled water all over his shirt and started screaming. The lights on the flash board lit up, like one that said I was driving in slippery conditions, it was flashing "FCW System Failed" and it was just nuts, esp with Peter screaming in the back. So I put on the hazard lights and drove it in low gear straight to Burt Bros and we left it there overnight. They called me at 10 today and said they test drove it this morning and there were no lights on and it was working fine, and they looked under the hood and wouldn't find anything wrong there either. so... "you can come pick it up" Ahh! SO that is really weird and I hope we don't die driving it.

So that's why I didn't have my car and took W and L to school this morning. When I came home, most of my LCC route was still in shade so I hurried out for a quick bike ride, and got my best time yet. Mel got the kids up and out the door to school. I had a semi lazy day. The kids were home early at 1:00. Owen crashed as soon as he came in the door. He's been our early riser all year, so yeah, he probably needs a break. 

At 2:00 after school, there was ice cream and a color party at our neighbor's house. The kids threw colored chalk in the air, like last year. Sophi and Natalie had green chalk in their hair and over their clothes - 

Natalie joined in the water fight too. 
Peter had a green popsicle. 

He had just gone #2 again like a champ and expected ice cream, so that worked out great. After Abi and Lily got home from school, I left them in charge and took Wesley to the InstaCare to get his wrist looked at. It wasn't busy in the waiting room. 
But we had a bit of a wait in the exam room. That was ok though, cause Peter kept us entertained with a story. 

He was jibber jabbering about dinosaurs and stuff for like 10 minutes.

They took Wes out for an x-ray, and when he came back, Peter continued his tall tale. Soon the nurse and a doctor were
 back and let us know that Wes had a broken wrist. It is a buckle fracture. 
Wes was relieved that he wasn't just being a baby about how much it hurt. And good news is that he doesn't need a cast. They put a splint on and he gets to wear that for 6 weeks, so that is a fun start of summer for him!
One last fun activity tonight was an outdoor movie at a neighbor's house. Lily, Sophi, Natalie and Daniel went over. 
They had quite the awesome set up in the back yard with hammocks and chair swings everywhere. I spy Sophi!
I'm feeling a little sick. I'd say it was just allergies except for the sore throat. I'm hoping to make a plan of attack for summer. The younger kids brought home summer reading charts and things that their teachers for next year asked them to do, so we'll try to get that organized and we're excited for a fun summer. So summer is off to a good start for the younger kids. It's late (9:45) and Corey's gone to bed (we're going to the temple in the morning, our "last" time before the baby is born.) The kids are all still out having fun. I took a late nap for like 30 minutes at 7pm, so I'm good to stay up until they're back. It's been good cause I have been blogging and AM TOTALLY CAUGHT UP now! I haven't been 100% caught up on the blog for a long time. Like it's only probably happened like 3 times in the past 5 years. It was a "before the baby comes" goal, so good job me!

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