Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday Drawings

Hello May! I have been very exited for May to come, because I hope to be delivered of this child this month. Fingers crossed. It was a nice Sunday. One of our favorite things at church is seeing Peter after classes are over. He always proudly shows us the picture he colored and will tell us about Jesus. 

Back in January, Corey took this little video of Peter showing us the first vision and telling us who Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Joseph Smith were and it was so cute to hear how he said their names. 
He has the cutest little voice. (I just barely uploaded that video, I had to scroll back on our family fb messenger chat to Jan to find it!) At church, the kids often keep themselves quiet by drawing in notepad on our phones or on boogie boards. I have three boogie boards. This is a masterpiece that Wes did last week for Peter. Peter still loves Spiderman.  
After church today, we binge watched The Chosen with Mel so she could see season 2. We watched it as kids rollerskated around the house. They discovered the rollerblade bin over the weekend and are all really in the zone with it. It's cute, but a little noisy. Daniel is getting really good!
We are starting to potty train Peter. He's doing good, but also takes lots of baths lately after accidents. Natalie took a bath with him and they helped themselves to the liquid soap and made a big bubble bath. 
They turn on the jets and those make the bubble get really high. I don't always love the mess that the bubbles make but the kids sure like it, so I'm trying to be patient. 
Pretty fun!

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