Saturday, April 30, 2022

Usual Saturday

Corey and I went to the temple this morning and were the witness couple, which helped me struggle less staying awake. I often get a little drowsy, so that was really nice. I considered it a birthday gift from Heavenly Father. Yesterday there was a little more birthday carry-over. Wes has kept Peter in his room on my birthday night, so I my sleep was not interrupted by our little Prince Peter. Thanks for taking the hit for me Wes! 

And last night for date night, which I also felt was a little b-day carry over, Corey and I repeated my birthday ride at Corner Canyon. We kept our stats on Strava and got the exact same time - 1 hour 11 minutes. It felt a lot harder this time though, I think because I needed a recovery day after yesterday. Still did pretty good considering I haven't done 2 days in a row of cardio since last fall, so I won't be hard on myself that I had to stop and walk like probably 5 times. That's not bad for a lady that's 8 months pregnant. I think it's the first time Corey and I have done Ghost Falls together. 

Today was a usual Saturday with soccer games for Abi and Sophi, Owen and Daniel had a birthday party to go to, Abi had babysitting, and I needed to go to the store. Corey wanted to take the kids that were available on a bike ride. So Wes stayed home with O and D, and we coordinated for me to park the van, then Corey pick me up, and we headed to Potato Hill where I dropped off Corey, Mel, Lily and Peter, and then I went back to the cycle park where I had left the van and left Corey's car there, then I went to go to pick up Abi and go to Costco. Corey and the girls did part of the ride that Corey and I did yesterday - they took Ann's East over to Peakview then to Ghost Falls and all the way down to the Cycle Park. Before their ride - 
Peter likes going on bike rides with Corey. 
I think riding with a toddler must be harder than riding pregnant. The child I endanger by biking is pretty well protected, but I think Peter is very exposed. He's still got the scab between his eyes and also tripped in the street and thus had scabby knees too. He's learning that it's a fallen world. I was glad that they made it back safely and no one had any crashes or falls. 

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