Saturday, June 25, 2022

Back from Bear Lake

Corey was so nice to take the kids to Bear Lake. They got home around 4 today. I know that he was super spent, but I really really appreciated it and had a nice quiet time here at home with Katharine, I am very grateful! Thank you Corey! A few more photos that he sent of their fun - cute Daniel

Peter wearing someone else's shirt (I guess I didn't send him with enough clean clothes?"

Owen looking super hammered and like someone needs to get rid of that loose tooth as soon as possible...

I've been eyeing that tooth for a few weeks... 
It's been holding on for dear life though, but after I saw these pics I was determined to get it out even if O was telling me to stop. And I did get it out tonight, hallelujah and hello to a toothless and better looking smile on Owen. Playing cards with their cousins -

As soon as they got home, we unloaded the car, put away the sleeping bags, pads and tent, and I started a lot of sandy laundry. It's Wesley's birthday, but we didn't do anything to celebrate it today cause of Bear Lake and cause Corey and I had to go to our Ryan Hamilton performance at Kingsbury Hall. I got these tickets when he show was going to be in January and I didn't have a nursing baby, but got rescheduled because he got hit by a bus. I wasn't sure what I'd do with Katharine, but we ended up having Mel come with us, and she hung out close by with K and was going to text me if she woke up. It worked out great. We got to see the show - 

and Mel got some Costa Vida on us. 

Mel had quite a few people tell her congrats on her little one. :) I would have been pretty envious if I saw Mel TOTALLY not looking like she had any weight to lose for a woman who had a one month old. I hope no one is too hard on themselves when they saw them together.

Ryan Hamilton's first 20 min of jokes were about his accident, it was funny "It was a shuttle bus..." How people would say "you're going to get a lot of good material from this!" and his reply "Not worth it..." and "You're so lucky... it could have been so much worse!" "...I'm not feeling lucky..." "I'm on a hot streak now!" He did all the jokes in this clip, and at the end did the cat eye joke (I did think, after watching "What is a Woman", that that joke might not be politically correct in a few years!)

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