Friday, June 24, 2022

Bear Lake

Corey and the kids have had a fun day at Bear Lake. 
Wes asked last night about if he could drive up to Bear Lake after work. He worked at 7:30 this morning, and I texted Corey, he said that Chalane and Seth were headed up, so I texted them and we met up with them and they took Wes with them, so he's a lucky boy that he got to go cause I wasn't sure I wanted him to drive. I'm not there to give detailed description of their fun, but I'm sure it's like the past years (2020, 2019) only this year the water has receded a lot. Utah and the whole western United States are in a drought. It made for a long beach front and some good mud puddles, which Peter loved. 
and the bigger kids loved too!
Corey's brother Mark was so nice to host this outing again. He made the reservations, he brings the paddle boats and all the food, and we just have to bring the crowd!
And of course we venmo him a "thanks for letting us tag along again" tip.
I've had a quiet day here at home, which has been very nice. I have cleaned and organized a bit, and fed Katharine a lot. She's a cutie patootie.

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