Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ballroom Trip

Abi is back home from her trip to California. See if you can find her in the photos.

She left Sunday night at 9pm and they arrived back at 11:30 today. I was glad that the van was repaired. I took Katharine with me to pick up the van and then we headed straight to the school to pick up Abi. She wasn't totally sure how much longer she had, but Corey was able to watch her location on her Gabb phone, so I only waited for a little bit, it was good timing.

Here is a summary of the events of her trip. They arrived Monday morning at like 11 am and went to Newport Beach. They went swimming and went out to eat at Ruby's Diner. 2:30 left for hotel - they stayed at a Holliday Inn. 5:30 they went to the Medieval Theater.
They had the black and white knight. After they got home from that, they rehearsed until bedtime. On Tuesday they woke up at 6 and left for Disneyland at 8. They mainly stayed in California Adventure that day, and they didn't get a fastpass, and it was super busy and they only did 7 rides by the end of the day. 
She said they also performed on Tuesday, on a stage that was over by the Monsters Inc ride. 
Wednesday they mostly did Disneyland (she thinks Disneyland is better than California Adventure) and they got the fast pass and thus were able to ride a lot more rides and had a lot more fun. 
She had a great time with her friends. 
We're also really proud of her that she earned all the money for this trip by herself. Good job Abi.
She's glad that they took a trip this year since last year it was cancelled cause of Covid. So she's lucky she got another chance at it. 
And that was a good finale for her junior high experience and she's headed off to high school in the fall! Our little Abi is practically all grown up. We missed having her around this week and are glad that she had fun and that she's back safe. 

Speaking of kids being safe, today Daniel disappeared again. I was helping Owen practice trumpet, and helping Natalie with her summer school book, and Peter was taking a bath and had just pooped in the tub, and Katharine had just spit up in Natalie's hair, so there was a lot going on for a few moments and then when things calmed down I counted kids and Daniel wasn't here, but he hadn't told me he was leaving, and he didn't have permission to leave yet cause he hadn't done his checklist... Anyway, I left Katharine with Sophi, I sent a text to our immediate neighbors to see if he was at any of their houses, and I took off on my bike toward the busy road just in case he was out there. Once I was out there, I got a text from our neighbors across the street that he was at their house. He had only been there for a little bit, so that's good that I didn't lose track of him for an hour. I told my neighbors of Daniel's return with the police yesterday, and we're all going to give each other a heads up, if we don't get a text from the mother of the child, if and when our kids show up at each other's houses. But when I told Corey that D was gone, he came straight home from work and then sat in Daniel's bedroom with him, blocking the door, for several hours, telling Daniel that we had to keep him safe, and if this was the only way, that was ok, it was worth it to keep him safe. Corey was happy to work from Daniel's room every day if that's what he needed to do. Daniel eventually decided to do his summer checklist and he did so quickly and then was able to go play with friends, with our blessing. We're hoping this is the last time he's lost for a while!

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