Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Not Great Moment

Today I had a not proud moment. My bedroom door was open, I had just fed and changed Katharine,  the kids had done their summer work and were playing with friends, and around 2:00 Wesley came up to tell me "There are some police men at the door with Daniel..." Shoot. I grabbed Katharine and go to the front door where indeed there were three officers and Daniel. They let me know that he was out on 94th on his bike, crying cause he was hungry and scared and wanted to go home. A kind gentleman stopped to help him and called 911, then the officers came and with the clues Daniel was able to give them, they were able to find our house. I confessed to them that this was the second time this past week (see pic 6) that he has headed to the busy road. We all talked together and Daniel says he knows now to not leave without a parent or older sibling with him (although he said that last Thursday too...). Then I asked if I could take a photo with them. 

They were very nice and I think having Katharine in my arms helped me not receive a lecture from them (which is why I grabbed her before going to the door), but I was convicted already. I texted Corey to let him know my shame. Daniel has welcomed his little sister by upping his game. We talked to Daniel tonight about how lucky he is that it was a nice person that found him, cause lots of kids get kidnapped. We showed a little bit of "I Know My First Name Is Steven" and a few other videos of predators tricking little kids and taking them. We want to keep him safe, so his job is to obey and always let us know where he is. Yikes. So that was scary and we're glad he's safe. While Daniel has upped his game, Peter has taken things down a notch and digressed in his development by becoming a puppy. 
A puppy that likes to eat goldfish crackers as his dog food.
I'll rather have a kid puppy over a kid who thinks he's old enough to take off for the busy road...  Hopefully this really is the last time this happens. A few neighbors saw the three cop cars in front of our house and I confessed my poor parenting to them too. We're all going to help each other look out for each other's stray children. 

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