Wednesday, June 29, 2022

One Month Old

Katharine is (almost) one month old. Having a birthday on the 31st, I'm not sure where that falls since some months don't have a 31. She's over 4 weeks old, so that's good enough - we'll count that as meaning she's a month old. She's working hard and doing well at holding up her head, look!!

Natalie took these two pics of her - she's so cute.

Katharine loves Mel and feels very safe and content in her arms.

A few pics of them on the couch - 

...before I took away her sleeping pill to go change and feed her. 

Sleeping with Katharine is heavenly. Mel is the only one I trust to sleep with her right now, although it looks like in the past, I've let lots of the kids sleep with the baby. I'm not as free with Katharine yet, but she's only a month old, maybe I'll relax a bit more as she grows. 

Ethan left the Dominican Republic early this morning and is on his way back home. He is in New York right now for a long layover (8 hours) and should be arriving here at 11:10. When we first saw that time, Corey and I said "Darn, that's gonna ruin the next day..." So it's not an ideal time for the whole family to be out and about, but it's a sacrifice we're willing to make. Today I got a bed ready for him (Peter sleeps on our floor anyway, so Ethan get's his bottom bunk bed) and we are trying to clean up a bit. A kind neighbor came by to ask if we needed posters. I had a few, but she picked up a few more for us and yellow ribbon and balloons too. Each kid made a poster, some of them two or three (cause they kept messing up)

Peter made his own this time - a blue poster with lots of scribbles. As for the balloons, the kids got to them before I hid them, and they were all blown up and here is the brief moment when there were still 4...

And now they've all been popped. But they had fun. Toddlers love balloons

And now it's later and I've come and gone typing up this post, and we've been refreshing Ethan's flight status over and over again, and he was on the runway for 3 hours but they finally took off. Ha, so I thought an 11pm arrival time was late? Well how's 2:24 am? Ha, TAKE THAT!
So we're going to go to bed now and have set an alarm for 1:30 to get up and go pick him up. We aren't going to take the little kids anymore. Joseph and Mel are both coming, they are adults and get to decide what they want to do. We're excited to see him. He's gonna be exhausted. 

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