Monday, June 27, 2022

Tabernacle Experience

My little bro recently sent a family polo about the Tabernacle Experience. He and his family live in Layton and they were able to volunteer to help give tours, which was cool for them. I knew it would be a memorable experience and made plans for when our family could go. Today was the day we made it happen. Here the kids are in the Holy of Holies by their replica of the Ark of the Covenant -

June was pretty busy, and thus we weren't able to make it until this week, which worked out perfectly since it was going on through June 28th. I put it a reminder on our calendar for Saturday to make sure we gave ourselves time in our schedule, and we were able to go after violin today. Summer music lessons are more spaced out, and I think this is our last violin lesson for a month, but it was good. That lesson was at 4, and we were excited to show off Katharine to Miss Amy ~

A friend from high school, Shannon, has two girls who also take lessons from Miss Amy, and they were there right before us, and when Shannon was picking up her girls and found out we were there, she came in to see Katharine. I know it's special to hold a tiny baby, since they grow so quickly it's a rare opportunity. I knew she is a woman after my own heart when she said "I'd give anything for another baby!" Her youngest is starting first grade next year, so she's trying to figure out what to do with her time now as she says goodbye to the baby and toddler part of her life. I'm sure that day will come for me, and I know I'm lucky to be able to enjoy the baby phase a little longer. I fed Katharine while we were there, and Daniel was playing with a swan puzzle and got these two pieces so stuck together, I was trying to get them apart for over a half hour. We'd say a prayer and try to budge it to no avail. I went to pick up Melodie, who took the bus from work to Holladay, and when she came in she said a prayer and was able to get it apart within a few minutes, phew! She's got more power prayers as a recently released missionary! I was slightly irritated at that hassle, but I was grateful Mel saved the day. And I was grateful that Peter was so perfect the whole time, giving me time to nurse K and try to fix the puzzle. I didn't hear a peep out of him - he just sat in a chair reading for the whole hour! So cute ~

So after violin, we went home, Abi had dinner ready, we ate, then we loaded up and left for Kaysville. Mel drove the fiesta with Sophi, and I had the rest of the kids in the van. It was a hot day. I had thought of trying to go before violin, but with how hot it was, I was glad that we were there in the evening!

There was a little introduction video in a church building - then we went out to the replica of the tabernacle.
It was built to scale according to the measurements in Exodus, and was smaller than I thought it would be. It was really cool. Mel ready to go through the gate - 
In the Outer Courtyard, we saw the altar of sacrifice, the bronze laver, and then we entered the Holy Place ~
with the Golden Menorah, table of showbread, and altar of incense and the veil ~
I love how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has so many connections to the Old and New Testaments. Next we went into the Holy of Holies - 
After the tour ther, I asked if we could take a quick picture. Another tour group was coming in right behind us, and it was a small space, so I didn't quite get Lily and Katharine in the picture, but I was rushed.
And then we walked back inside the church, where they explained the top ceiling coverings of the Holy Place, and that was followed by a exhibit with other replicas and cool things - 
Lily holding up baby Katharine, in her blue blanket, like baby Jesus when he was presented at the temple (in the pic behind them)
It was really cool, and I'm glad we went. There are lots of videos on the YouTube channel "Messages of Christ" that talk about the Old Testament Tabernacle. 

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