Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Summer Camps

Abi got a text on Sunday that a friend who she hung out with at Disneyland AND sat next to on the bus ride home had tested positive for Covid. Lily had been at YW camp all week, and there were girls that were there that had been exposed to covid and were feeling sick too. Abi had a sore throat over the weekend, and Lily wasn't feeling great on the ride home from Lake Powell, so we thought they might be sick with covid. They both took at home tests on Sat night, and we tested them again on Sunday, Lily at Walgreens and Abi with another at home test. The results all came back negative, and on Sunday they were both feeling better, so Corey took them down for the BYU Summerfest music camp. 

They will be there until Saturday. 

Corey and my uncle Howard (my mom's brother) recognized each other and that was fun - he was dropping off his granddaughter Lia, so Abi and Lily have a second cousin friend to hang out with!

We talked to the girls a little bit tonight, and they were having a fun time because tonight there was a dance, and they both had fun and have crushes, ha, it was fun to talk to them. A pic Abi took of Lily in class - 

Taking a break for ice cream - 
A program about the camp that shows a certain young man (who we are excited to see in two weeks) in the middle pic...

Abi and Lily miss Katharine, and probably miss the rest of us a little bit too, and we miss them, I especially miss having helpers around. 

Today at 9am Natalie had an activity Days camp too - they went up to Silver Lake for a hike, but it was freezing cold, so they took a quick pic - 

and then came back to do their craft activity at a park. 

They finished off the fun day with a swim in a neighbor's pool.

Sophi went to Camp Tracy with a group of youth too. She left at 3 and was gone until 9:30 tonight. 

So with Abi and Lily also gone, it was quiet day with only the little boys here. I was on duty all day and a bit spent. I texted Corey that I wanted some time to exercise before the day was done, and he was back at 7:30 and I took off for a ride up the canyon. The trail is steep and rocky and hard, but it does have the sound of the river close by, so that is one redeeming feature.

I was watching the clock - sunset was at 8:59, so I turned around in time to get home before dark, and also made it back to the road in time to see a lovely sunset. 

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