Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Happy Birthday to Corey

Happy Birthday to my favorite person! I should have taken a picture of us today, but instead I'll just use this 2 year old photo... (we need to try to get family pics sometime this year.)
I shared on facebook this post from two years ago, with 44 fun Corey stories. I tell myself that I should do more to celebrate him on his birthday, like reach out to all his friends and throw him a surprise party or something, but I've never done it. I was thinking about my birthday this year, and it was a surprisingly good day, mostly cause I let myself do what I want, which was to go on a bike ride. I thought Corey might like the same for his birthday - to be able to call the shots and hopefully do what he wanted. Thus I didn't make plans. On my bday, I was alone on my ride but I didn't mind. I don't know if Corey really wants/likes to take the kids out to a restaurant but it seems that he often does that on his birthday, last year's pancake lunch. This morning he mentioned that he wanted to do that. Actually, he asked me if that was allowed, and yes, sweetie, you get anything you want on your bday. So it was a normal work day, and then when he came home he took the kids out to eat at Chuck A Rama for his party. He is more charitable than I am... I go on a bike ride alone, and he takes the kids out for fun. I stayed home with Katharine, mostly cause I'm trying to avoid taking her out. As they were getting in the car, she was crying and I needed to feed her, so I envisioned that she'd be fussy and I'd just have to nurse her anyway if I went out in public, and I'd rather nurse her at home, so yeah, I was a party pooper and didn't go help out. Also cause I had already eaten and didn't want to overeat, I know, I'm lame. Here are some of Corey's past b-day celebrations: 2020 covid, 20192018 movie, 2017 trip to Boston, 2016 at home party and water fight, 2015 bbq in Brazil, 2014 bbq with friends, 2012

The kids didn't get Corey anything this year, that I'm aware of, except for Wesley. Wesley didn't ask Corey what he wanted or what he could do for him, cause he already knew. Corey has wanted Wesley to finish his BYU math class for weeks/months, and Wes was almost finished... and then, for Corey's b-day, Wesley finished his notes and submitted to take the final exam. Corey was impressed with Wesley's notes, although he found them a bit excessive. 
Corey said he's never seen anything like it and took this pic to share with Wesley's older siblings. The dime is there for scale.
(We think Wesley might be a perfectionist...) We're glad he is taking his math final soon, and then he has more classes to take after that, go go go Wes! Thanks for making dad's birthday wish come true.

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