Saturday, June 18, 2022

Summit Watch & Summerfest

Corey saw a week at Park City available, so he booked it. We're hoping to get some biking in, but we'll also coming and going for this next week, cause we have some music lessons and some kids have work and stuff. Yesterday I took 5 kids to the store (SNODP) and left Katharine home with Mel, and we got groceries for the week. I haven't taken kids to the store for a while, and I think I spent a lot of my strength doing that, and packing up, cause once we got up to Park City, I didn't have it in me to take the kids swimming. So we waited until Corey got back (he went to Provo last night to see Lily perform in a concert) and then they were able to swim with him from 10 - 11. This morning I was feeling refreshed and thought I could take them, so I did, and I was quite pleased that they had nice sofas by the pool for me to sit on! If I had known that, I probably would have taken them last night. But I just envisioned myself standing there holding Katharine or sitting on a hard chair and didn't dare try. But I took them twice today and it's really nice! 

Watching the little boys -  

We had the whole pool to ourselves.

The boys have been being pretty crazy the past while, and have been continuing it up here, but they were sweet for a little bit of the time. 

Sibling bonding.

K and I on the nice blue sofa chairs - 

Katharine is so sweet. So we had a lazy day hanging out at the pool. Corey went to BYU last night to see Lily perform, and was going to go again today, but instead today we watched them online and then Mel went and picked them up . Here are some pictures of Lily last night - Ready to perform - 
Playing in the Jazz ensemble - 
Joseph went to see the concert too, so nice of him to always give that sibling support. 
Joseph also met up with Abi and Lily during the week - 
They all went out for a treat, and ran into a neighbor who was there for a bball camp.
Thanks for being such a good and thoughtful brother, Joseph! Corey was really glad that Lily was able to go to Summerfest this week, since it will be the last time that Ray Smith is there because he is retiring. Corey took classes from him back in his BYU days. He's a great teacher and was a great mentor for Ethan when E took lessons from him. 

Later today, Corey went swimming with the kids ~
And we played in the stream by Shoe Tree Park - 
I am going to head home later tonight with Sophi and Natalie, cause they didn't bring their violins and don't want to lose their practice streak, so we're going to head home so they can practice, and then we'll come back up tomorrow after church. Corey will spend the night up there with Owen and Daniel. 

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