Monday, June 20, 2022

Sun and Mon at PC

Yesterday after church, we finally sang happy birthday to Corey and had some long awaited birthday cake. It was a Fathers' Day/birthday combo celebration. 

Corey with all his little friends around - 
Corey stayed up in Park City Saturday night with Owen and Daniel, and they got home at 11:15 with no time to spare before 11:30 church. I had O and D's clothes set out and hurried and changed them, and I had also set out a pile of clothes for Corey, who was asked to be Moses in Primary for an activity there. The kids thought it was really funny (I think he used a hockey stick for a staff). Wes snapped a picture of Corey waiting in the bathroom before going into the primary room -
I think he looks really good! Back at home, it was an "on duty all day" kind of father's day, which was appropriate, but not fun and he's feeling pretty spent lately. And then he found out he had to go to Idaho tomorrow, so he went back home last night and had a quiet house to himself, which kinda equals a break. He left for Idaho around 10 and has been up there all day with a neighbor that he's doing a project with. So he kinda had a day off of kid duty today, but it was a full work day, so still not a break. 

My mom had brought by a German Chocolate cake from Schmidt's bakery for Corey's bday, and she also brought by a box of cookies. So I have a confession - I started to nibble at the cookies, just taking a bit and sampling all the variety, and soon... I had eaten all but two of them. On Thursday, when I was out running grocery errands with the kids before heading up to Park City, I went by Schmidt's Bakery and bought another box of baked delights, to try and replace what I had eaten and so I wouldn't be found out. I was surprised by how expensive each cookie was - I spent $25 bucks on 12 cookies, and I'm sure that's how much my mom spends each time she's gotten those. She had mentioned that she likes to support small business, but dang. Anyway, I got two almond cookies on purpose cause I had been thinking about those and I was planning on eating that - I had it in my hand when I sat back in the car to drive. Back at home, I at the other almond cookie and I saw the wedding cookies - those weren't in the box my mom got but they looked good, so I bought those and then had to sample them too, and they were good and sweet and crunchy and I soon ate both of those... And I over the next few days, instead of restoring what I'd eaten, I ate it all again. Well, almost all... a few were sneaked by some unknown and un-admitting it children (Hmmm, I wonder where they get that from?)  I couldn't believe myself. Time to start getting serious. I'm going to begin the videos and workbook of the Laura Dixon program soon.  I have about 30 pounds I want to lose. I've lost weight a lot of times, I know I'll get there, trying to stay calm. These great kids are worth it. 
And Katharine after church smiling for Joseph! 
It was a chance photo - she didn't really smile, she's just moving her face. Most of it was the normal infant stare -
And up here at Park City, she was staring at Mel and Lily last night as I walked by and I was like "OH MY GOSH SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!" and I had to freeze and stare at her too - 
Everyone has been wanting to hold her up here, just like at home. She is a major kid magnet (which we parent's DON'T want, but there's not much we can do about it at the moment). Lily holding her -
Natalie with her - 
I have to fight for her to get any undisturbed sleeping time. Up here we've been having a lot of swimming fun.
Owen and Daniel were showing me how they can do front flips in the water - 
So we've been swimming and watching tv... Melodie brought up some craft sticks for the kids to use to make boats that we can race in the little city stream. Wesley has been using them to make different creative structures.
I went on a bike ride this morning, which was great, and Joseph and I went again tonight too on the same trial I did this morning (Armstrong to Dawns). There were pretty flowers there to greet me. 
It was nice going on a ride, and Katharine was perfect while I was gone. (Mel has the magic touch). After we were back, Joseph and Mel introduced the kids to Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
Showing Owen and Daniel a picture of Owen as a baby Aang 
Owen and Daniel were laughing hard - they loved all the jokes! We thought it was cute, and Joseph realized that he and Mel were 6 and 5, just like Owen and Daniel, when they first watched Avatar when we lived in Virginia. So they have been sharing childhood memories and having a little dejavu and "I remember that!" as they watch the show. I was going to head home tonight to take Wes back cause he had work in the morning, but he didn't want to miss any of the Avatar episodes and just barely got his shift covered, so now I'm not going back. I'll be going Wednesday morning, because Joseph needs to go back Wed morning when school starts again. He has a very short summer vacation. It's fun watching the sibling bonding. I think I'll just tell J&M to pray with the kids and I'm going to head to bed with Katharine. :)

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