Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Swim and Puzzles

Today was the end of Joseph's summer break, so I took him back home so he could get his car and he had to be back in Provo at 10:30 for work and school. We left Park City at 8:40 to be home by 9:30 so he could leave and get to Provo on time. Wes went home with us, cause he has work today. So he gets to hang out in a quiet house, lucky boy. I'm sure he'll enjoy it. Then I took out the trash (it's garbage day) and took a picture of one of our lovely summer roses that is in glorious bloom - so lovely!

And then I turned around and headed back up to Park City. Up at the room, I did the usual of feed and change Katharine - 

And Corey took kids swimming,

Peter is cute in goggles.

Mel and Abi went shopping at the outlets, and Natalie and I worked on a puzzle - This is the bouncy ball puzzle that I did in 2018. Natalie was once again my most dedicated puzzle helper -

The kids came back from swimming for lunch, and Lily and Sophi joined in a little bit. Peter helped too. I would find out where a piece went and put it close to it and have Peter push it in. If I didn't wait for him to put it in place, he'd scold me for not letting him have a turn. It was cute. I kept saying "You're SO good at doing puzzles, Peter!" "Yeah, I good at puzzle!" 

I vaguely remember this puzzle being very hard and taking me a long time to do, but we were able to get this puzzle done in one day! I was impressed. I finished it with Peter, but we were missing two pieces that I guessed were lost, but then Natalie found them both on the floor - wow, I was not expecting that but was happy we still had all the pieces! 

We also started another 500 piece puzzle of the Nueschwanstein Castle in Germany, but it's a little harder and I don't think we'll be able to finish this one before we leave tomorrow, but we'll see how far we get. So that's been fun. After Mel and Abi got back from shopping at the outlets, Corey and Abi went on a bike ride. I drove them up to the MidMountain Trail by the Montage. They were back pretty quickly, like just over an hour, and since it was still 90 minutes until sunset, I thought maybe someone could drop me off and I could do it too, but I didn't ask anyone and couldn't find Corey, so I decided to just go on a short ride on the paved city trail instead. I told Mel to call me if Katharine woke up. So I just kept going and ended up at Round Top but then deciding to keep going and exploring a little more, and over an hour later I had taken a 18+ mile ride around the whole Park City area, like along I-80 and to Kimball Junction. So that was fun. When I was about as far as I could get, and I knew it would take me 30 minutes to get back if I turned around to backtrack or if I kept going forward, I called Corey to check in on everyone and aplogize for being gone so long, but they were all good - just watching Avatar, and Katharine was safe in Melodie's motherly arms. So it was all good and yay for me, I got my longest ride yet on Strava. :) I'm safe back now, the kids are still watching Avatar and we should probably stop them and all go to bed, but I guess it's summer, so we'll let them do "one" more episode (again and again...)

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