Thursday, June 23, 2022

Lily is 13!

Happy Birthday to Lily! As part of her birthday privileges, she was given a slight priority to hold Katharine.

We are very glad and happy that you were born, Lily!! Today was our last morning up in Park City, even though we had the room until tomorrow. We headed out a day early because we were going camping with Corey's brother and cousins up in Bear Lake this evening. I was not sure if I was going to go or not, but Corey was ok with me staying home to give Katharine (and myself) a break. The kids just want to hold her so much, it's a bit exasperating. Our bedroom door up in Park City didn't lock, so I'd just barely get her to sleep and some kid would go pick her up and start cooing and playing with her and wake her up. It's cute, and I get it, she's beautiful and you can't help but adore her, but the poor baby needs some rest. Her priority right now is to grow, and for that she needs milk and sleep. So yeah, I'm grateful to have a day off from protecting her from all her siblings!

So we stayed up late last night watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, then woke up late, and the kids watched more Avatar, then around 11:30 we started to pack up and headed home around 1. Corey stayed behind with Lily and Sophi, cause he bought a season bike haul pass for both of them, and he wants to try and get his money's worth from it, so they had to stay and go on another ride down the mountain with him. 

They had fun. I think they took Mojave, which he thought was a great kid path. 
When we got home, it was cute to see that Wes had made a special birthday breakfast of crepes for Lily. Corey, Lily, and Sophi weren't home until 5:30 so we had to keep the rest of the kids away from the food until Lily got back.
I ran to the store for a cake and strawberry ice cream, and I got home right before Corey and L&S. Lily enjoyed her crepes...
...and we unloaded the bikes, loaded up the tent and sleeping bags, kids switched out some of their luggage, and then we sang to Lily and had cake and ice cream - we put 1 and 3 candles on her cake for 13 years old - 
we were singing to Lily but we were all staring at cute Katharine - and then they left at 6:45 in the middle of a heavy rain storm. Mel drove the van with most of the kids, Corey took his car with S&L. Wes stayed behind again cause he has to work tomorrow morning, so it is a quiet house and I'm going to try and savor it. They will all be back Saturday afternoon. I think they'll head home after lunch on Saturday, cause Corey and I have Ryan Hamilton tickets for Saturday night. We didn't put up the birthday banner or have any gifts, and grandmas didn't stop by cause we were gone most of the day, but gmas will come by on Sunday I think, and I'm going to take Lily out to get shoes for her birthday, and I'm sure Corey will do something for her too. I hope it was an ok birthday for Lily, although I'm sure it was not as magical as younger birthdays were, which seems to be something that comes with age. It's all good though! Not being as spoiled as you'd like on your birthday is definitely a 1st world problem, so we're not going to complain. Our homes are not being bombed and we are safe and healthy, so we're going to count our many blessings and be grateful (right?!?) Yes. Happy birthday Lily! 

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