Tuesday, July 19, 2022

More Hibbert Fun

It was a good day. We've been having more Hibbert fun today. The highlight was going out to eat at Bandits - We had a good group with my parents and all my siblings and spouses!!
We went out to eat here at Bandits in May for mother's day, but we were missing Camilla and Patrice that time. Tonight we had all 7 kids present! A view from the other end of the table - 
Thanks for giving us live and raising all of us, Mom and Dad! We, our spouses, and our children thank you.
I know that Corey and I will have full hearts when we have moments like that with our kids when we're older. So that was the highlight of the day, here are the other details. The morning started for me with a quick bike ride. Mel watched Katharine - 
And sweet baby K looked so comphy when I came back. 
Sleeping angel - 
...on a pillow on the floor.
Then I had forgotten about this but remembered when Beka and Matt knocked on our door,... that yesterday everyone decided to come to our house at 2 to play games until the adults left for dinner! We had a good group. 
I didn't play, as I was on nursing an infant duty, but the kids and cousins all had fun. 

The kids were all going to be watched here at our house while we were gone, so it worked out great. We enjoyed showing our caterpillars to the cousins. We've got lots of big ones now so the kids are excited since they are large enough for the kids to hold. It's fun for the little kids - 

(...everyone likes having a turn...)

And the big kids... "Eth, do you want a picture with the caterpillar?" "Sure..."

So they played games, I don't know what games, but Beka and Matt took care of it - they know all the good ones. Then they started watching a show on a phone - 

Perfect! - just in time for us to capture their interest by putting it on the big screen before we left for dinner. Dinner was great. We had a nice visit, talking about marching bands, music, kids, vacations, all the things, then we came back here for Ethan and Corey to talk about music with Patrice's boy Jayden. They had a quick jam session - 
Amazingly, Katharine slept right through it all! 
And the little kids watched Avatar, which my kids are still watching and trying to get through the series from when we were in Park City last month - 
And the kids mostly did that while the adults played games at the table, and talked about ideas of what to do for my mom and dad for their 50th Wedding Anniversary which is coming up next year! 
It was great to spend another day hanging out with my family!

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