Monday, July 18, 2022

Hibbert Reunion 2022

It has been a busy day. The hightlight was fun at the park tonight with all the Hibberts that are in town! - 
Here's a link to the Hibbert gathering last year - 2021 And the day started, of course, with my morning pic of Katharine sleeping...
Cause she's an angel and I want to capture these moments. As her shirt says, she is my whole world!
Just lovely. 
I called Mel to come in and see her, cause K is so beautiful...
...and cause K was holding her hand in a little "I got your nose" fist!! SO ADORABLE!
She is just our favorite. Everything she does, we love it. So it was a busy morning with kids leaving for camps. Wes left to a neighbors house at 7 am for High Adventure. They are rafting Desolation Canyon. 
He wouldn't pose for me, he didn't want his picture taken. And then I left Mel in charge of K while I took Lily and Abi to Murray at 7:30 to meet up with the buses for Oakcrest!
I was comparing this drop off with our experience last week with Abi's FSY in Ephraim. There were a bunch of old ladies in charge of this and they were OR-GAN-IZED! Wow. It was very clear where to go and what to do. Abi and Lily with green circle stickers on their hands to let them and everyone else know which bus they are supposed to go on. 
Very organized. I appreciated it. I gave them a hug, and wished them a fun week, but even if they don't think it's fun, I won't hear about it until Friday, cause they can't take their phones! So no texting checking in on these girls. I hope they have fun. 
I was a counselor up there and I like Oakcrest. OK! Next on the docket was going to This is the Place Heritage park to help our friend Laird Dummer campaign for president of the Sons of Utah Pioneers (aka SUP). The SUP and DUP (Daughters) were having a special morning devotional with the Piano Guys! It was a great devotional. 
One thing that Steve shared was that on tours, he was never able to sleep well on the tour bus, and felt a prompting that he could do something better with his time than watch movies, so he started to do family history! He took family history stories and wrote them up in the first person, and with those stories compiled, he printed a bedtime book to read to his children, that has real true stories about their own real ancestors!!! ISN'T THAT THE BEST IDEA EVER!?! I am going to do that for my kids. SUPER COOL idea. Jon just spoke briefly at beginning, and Steven spoke for most of the time. That's my second time meeting both of them (Steve at Chuck a Rama in 2018, and Jon at a fireside in 2019, haha) Our friend Laird Dummer treated all of us to tickets into the park in exchange for the favor of wearing his campaign shirts at the park and handing out his fliers. Thus our matching shirts. "Be Smarter! Vote Dummer!" Camilla and her kids were able to come with us!
The devotional was great, and then we stayed after for a minute while I fed K and Natalie wanted a picture with them, so we left to stand in line. When Steve asked our names, he really liked Natalie's confidence as she responsed "I'm Natalie!" He imitated her enthusiasm!
"Hello to you NATALIE!" A quick photo with Steven - 
And with Jon - 
And then I spent my time nursing K as I listened to an exhibit about Mahonri M. Young. Corey took the kids to hand out campaign water bottles for our friend, then they went around the park for a bit. I caught up to them as they were finishing a ride on the train. We walked to the Children's Memorial, and then we decided we were done. It was really hot. Sophi and Natalie had to go to violin lessons, we took P&K with us. We were able to change the lessons to 1:00, and then had the evening free for the Hibbert gathering at Antczak. When we got there, everyone was playing or watching a game of Kubb, which I've never heard of, but it's on my list of games to check out. After Neil & Camilla's team won, we enjoyed a potluck dinner.
And then everyone was off for more fun and games. Little ones headed to the playground and tire swing - 
The big kids were excited to play spike ball, ultimate frisbee and soccer. 
But before we got into a big game, Grant wanted us to recreate a family photo. Neil testing out the strength of the tire swing chains and of his own stamina - 


This is what we were going for - This 1996 photo before Camilla left for her mission - 

How did we do? Ha!! Funny!

Same park, same location, newer play set and tire swing. Pretty fun! We also took the group family photo at the beginning of this post. We're only missing JT, Xela & Trevor, and my 4 kids (H on his mission, and WAL gone at camps this week). My parents had also brought some scrapbooks of their engagement and early married years, with love letters they had sent each other and cute notes and stuff like that. Mel and Ethan looking at the scrapbooks with my dad.
Everyone enjoyed kissing and holding Katharine - 
Neil had brought some bows and arrows and the little boys loved playing with those. They had their own imagination game doing on while everyone else was playing ultimate frisbee.
The clouds were a bit luminous and we thought the weather might cancel our game, but it was great
I watched them play ultimate, and I joined in the soccer game after. 
We played until it was too dark to see the ball, and then gathered kids and headed home. Tomorrow the siblings and my parents are going to go out to eat. It's fun having everyone together! 

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