Saturday, July 16, 2022

This Past Week


Katharine is smiling at us!! 

Soo stinkin' CUTE! It's fleeting, but since I took a video, I was able to get some screen shots the split seconds of her adorable little grin. It's easy to get photos of her sleeping. 

Precious baby. I like getting pictures of Peter sleeping too. 

He's been adjusting very well to having a younger sibling. And some photos from today. we caught another smile!

Katharine has many adoring fans.
And protective older sisters. 
And affectionate older brothers.
I liked getting a photo of both Mel and Ethan holding her while they were reading their scriptures. We love this little face!

Playing baby Jesus - 

A rare photo of Sophi holding Katharine. Love K's baby cheeks!

Owen helping hold her while we were at the Honda Service Center for way too long on Tuesday, getting a second key for the van. 

Owen is our early riser and was awake when I was heading out for the 9:20 appointment. He didn't know what he was getting himself into when he asked if he could come with me. It took a lot longer than I expected. But he got free popcorn while we waited, so he might say it was worth it. 

What else happened this week? I left early this morning to pick up Abi in Ephraim for her FSY. I was suuuper tired on the drive. I was grateful that we got home safely. Corey picked up Wes from his FSY in Weber. I'll have to update this later with pictures. Wesley was able to shake hands with Elder Uchtdorf, who paid a surprise visit to Weber. He's even quoted in this Church News article. Fun!

One of the gifts Natalie got at her friend party was slime. I warned her to keep it off of the carpet and her clothes. The carpet has been ok, those close are now ruined though. And I was thoroughly disgusted once she started walking around the kitchen with the slime on her feet, not wanting to know all the crumbs and dirt she was collecting. I do not like slime or bubbles or glitter, and this slime was a combination of all three. And now there is a stream of slime that goes from the front door, down the stairs, and all the way across the drive way. I can't scrub it off. We'll see how permanent it is next spring. I'm hoping winter snow will get it off. One more reason to not like friend parties: your kid is gifted stuff that you do not want in your house.

The fridge is making noise again. I think we'll get a new one this year, cause I'm about done with it. I find it irritating, but I guess it does make me clean out the fridge regularly, so that is good. But mostly I'm thinking we'll get a new one because almost all of the shelves on the inside of the door are broken. Over the years, the kids have use the cheap plastic shelves as handles to pull the fridge door closed, and they snap or break. Only one shelf remains, but it has had it's sides all broken off. Well, there are two shelves, but one of them is cracked on the bottom, so I don't like to put anything on that cause it might snap all the way through. 

I found a few more caterpillar eggs today. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is an egg and what is not. I can sometimes use my phone to zoom in and see - if it is slightly oval and has lines/ridges, that's a monarch egg. 

Sometimes they look like eggs, but are just little beads of milk that have broken through the surface of the milkweed plant and if you zoom in they will have lots of circles. The little ridges are the giveaway. So there's a monarch tip for the day. And that's a wrap for another full week of summer.

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