Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hibbert Hangout

Tonight we got together with my family over at my sister Jerusha's house. The kids knew this house as the house with the dogs, from when Mel watched their pets last month. Peter feeding Cheetos to their dog Peta.
Grant and Steph are down from a reunion in Idaho, they are staying with Neil for a few days, then going to Bear Lake, and then they'll be staying with us next week which will be fun!
My Dad and Mom holding Katharine -
It was fun to visit. Joseph came up and there were like 50 of us there! We are all getting together tomorrow too, but some of the kids will be gone, like Wes will be leaving for high adventure tomorrow morning, and Abi and Lily are leaving for Oakcrest too, so it was fun to get together and have them come. I think we were only missing one brother in law, Xela and her husband Trevor, and Hyrum. Pretty good turn out! The adults visited outside - 
The kids were inside. They were watching some Nature show that just happened to be on, looks like a clip about wildfires here ...
And soon they were all doing arm wrestling. I guess Abi is still a little kid, cause she was inside. 
Unless she was just doing that to watch kids so we could enjoy the visiting more quietly outside (thanks Abbers). We had a nice dinner, some potluck, but mostly Jared being an amazing chef and host for all of us. And then we turned on Encanto for the kids and Ethan, cause he hasn't seen it and wanted to see it. It was fun.

I taught Sunday School today. I didn't share this but liked studying it - I read a story in the book "7 Tipping Pointes that Saved the World" - chapter 1 is called "Two Gods at War" and it's about when Hezekiah was king of Judah and how Jerusalem was miraculously saved when all the other cities around them perished - it shares some details (I don't know if they're just making stuff up or how they know all these details from 2700 years ago...) but the attack on Lacish was pretty intense and if I was in Jerusalem, I probably would have been freaking out. I hope I can trust God and look to Him when death and mayhem are threatening at my door. 

Back here in the present, things are wonderful and peaceful. We are so blessed to live in a time and place on this planet where we are pretty sheltered from the war culture that's been a part of most nations' reality. Owen holding Katharine this morning. 

He wakes up early and the first thing he does is come knock on our door and ask if he can hold Katharine. I'm grateful for family, for the peace we enjoy here, and for the wonderful sometimes brief moments when we all get to be together. It will be fun to be together tomorrow. 

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