Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Bike Week

We are up in Park City for "biking week"! Actually it's for our Wride reunion, but last year it was a biking week, and this year we're going for that again. I went on a ride yesterday morning, Armstrong to Dawns, and then did it again last night with Joseph and Corey!

And then again tonight with Corey, Joseph, and Ethan! We left a little too late to do Hamm, but I hope we'll be able to do that sometime this week. 
Tonight was the annual Jazz band Blue, Brews, and Brats. I watched from the window...
I think one of the kids played (Lily?) I'll check when they get back from the pool. Our early to bed early to rise hours are suffering a little bit, but not too bad. We go to talk to Hyrum today. I showed him kids swimming - Daniel was doing tricks jumping into the water for him. 
Next year Hyrum might get home the week of Park City, so that will be fun. We told him we're going to make him go biking. He's not sad that he's missing out on that part (see pics 11 and 12, ha!)

We enjoy having shared dinner time with everyone. We have dinner on Wednesday (I'm doing some Costco Lemongrass Chicken and Thai Curry)
This year we are in room 7322, which is on the 3rd floor and has a view to the south of the hill, and it's also ground level behind us, so we have a little zoo with ground hogs out of our window. 
Peter saying good morning to the prairie dogs - 
Are prairie dogs and groundhogs the same thing? I googled around trying to figure out what these animals are but I'm not sure. They are some species of Utah rodent. So that's been fun. Today I went down to the valley to take Katharine to the dr for her two month appointment. She is two months old!!! When I was doing something on immunizations for Daniel for kindergarten a few weeks ago, I realized that Peter was not current on his shots, so I was able to schedule for him to come too for a check up and get current. He got his shots first, and he was very trusting and sweet. The first few shots came and he looked at me like "what was that..." and then on the last one he kinda winced and said "That tickles!" and then I sat him up and he was done. Katharine was a baby and she cried for hers. Just a few little pokes, baby K, you'll be alright. Here she is smiling at Wes in Park City before we came down. Soo adorable.
Smiles, smiles, baby smiles!
So chubby and so cute! Baby smiles are the best!
She is a little slice of heaven. Wesley came down to SL with us, cause he had a date in Provo and we thought we could go to Provo to pick up the fiesta, but then his date got cancelled so we're going to ick up the car later. I didn't mind going down to K's appointment and stuff cause was I knew I was going to need to go feed our caterpillars. We've got a lot... they're taking over our laundry room! Now they've got plenty of milkweed and they should be good until I come back to feed them on Thursday.
My mom took our 4 chrysalides on Sunday to watch them, and they emerged today - She polo'd it for the family on the Hibbert channel ~
She sent a few polos - it really is fun to foster butterflies. :) Wes and Peter both fell asleep in the car on the drive up, and kept sleeping once we got back into the room. 
I'm calling these "Naptime - A Composition"
Changing positions, but still sleeping. 
I'm not sure how Wes is able to sleep like that - half off the couch and his legs holding him up?!? Funny. I went swimming with the kids tonight and I took Katharine down, and they all loved that. She is precious. 
Mel has made it to Vienna. Here's a pic of her yesterday in Chicago. 
She might be missing out on Park City fun, but the only thing she's really missing is Katharine. We're having fun and are glad to be making memories. More fun biking tomorrow!

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