Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Instacare and Karaoke

I got a kick out of the kids asleep this morning. Lily was upside down. We have four kids in the lock off by our room - Lily and Sophi were in the big bed, Owen and Daniel were in the pull out. 

Peter was supposed to be in there too, but he slept on our floor last night. Abi is in the pull out in the living room by us. Ethan, Wes, and Natalie are in the lock off over by Corey's parents' room. 

Yesterday, I meant to take Daniel with me to Katharine's and Peter's doctor appointments, so that our pediatrician could look at his swollen jaw. He showed it to me on Monday and it was noticeable by looking at it and touching it that his right side was bigger than his left. Not that I know, but I thought it was a swollen lymph node. But I forgot to take him with me yesterday. This morning he let me know that it was still hurting him when he ate cereal. Doh! And I could tell it was larger and more swollen. So we went to the Instacare to have a doctor look at it in case some medicine might help. At first, google maps to me to the winter clinic which was very close at the end of the parking lot. But yeah, that is closed for the summer. Next we went to the Intermountain hospital here in Park City. They told me that the instacare was close to the high school, next to the 7-11. That third drive was successful and we found the clinic. The wait time was not bad. The nurse taking his vitals -

Daniel is a pro at doctor visits. He's got a lot of experience under his belt - ER for stitches and also when he swallowed a penny. He's a very good toddler patient. 

When Doctor Peter came in, he did not see any swelling in his mouth or ear, so he did not think it was from a swollen tooth or ear infection. He said he felt it was a reactive lymph node, reacting to something. The only thing you can do for that is wait for it to heal itself, so he said to take some children's ibuprofen or tylenol to help with the pain and to come back if it's not better in a few days. So that's what we did. And this is the second time Daniel has had a swollen lymph node before, twice! I just found the post, and he also went this past January! But I didn't find those this morning and couldn't remember what we did last time, so I'm putting it here and hopefully I'll remember next time and will know what to do. Daniel didn't like the medicine, so he only took each of them once today. But if he decides he'd rather deal with discomfort instead of yucky tasting medicine, I don't mind. Hopefully it clears up soon. Today he's been having fun swimming and stuff, acting normal. We've been enjoying the prairie dogs that are out our window - Daniel saying hi - it's right there to the left of his head.

There are like 6 of them that we've seen at once. It's fun.

Corey took Ethan, Abi, our niece Alix, and Sophi on a ride down the mid mountain trail today.


I dropped them off and then came back to the room to get dinner ready. It was our turn to make the meal. I made rice and Thai red curry and lemongrass chicken. I also had some rolls and clementines and spring rolls. Daniel looked over the food and pointed at the spring rolls and sweetly said "I'm going to have those, cause the rest of the food is gross!" 

That's fine with me. I'm not forcing anything on any of the kids this week. They had fun doing Karaoke tonight, then more swimming. 

And lots of loving on Katharine. It's a party! 
I was hoping to get out on a ride but didn't get a chance this evening, but that's ok cause I went this morning. I'll be sure to go tomorrow morning. 

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