Friday, August 12, 2022

Hyrum is 19!!

Happy birthday Hyrum! He is 19 today. He sent us this picture. It was a simple missionary birthday.

Adults around our house already have simple birthday, but being a missionary makes it almost like a parent I bet. Despite having an alarm named "H bday" go off every morning this week, I didn't send him a package yet. I'm glad that Corey's mom sent him some bday decorations and candles. My goal is to have everyone write him a letter after church on Sunday, and we'll send a  package on Monday. 

I took Joseph to the airport at 5:30 this morning. He went to bed at 5, so he didn't get a lot of sleep. He stayed up late on a date with a super cute girl... (we all ship them)
And then was moving his stuff out of his summer apartment and into our basement, and he was moving slow (since it was in the early AM hours) so yeah, he wasn't done until 5. And then it was off to the airport. 
He's going to Guatemala as a translator for something for one week, and then another week for something else (fill me in again Joseph, I can't remember anything these days). He gets back the day before school starts I think. Visiting with Junior's parents~
He's busy busy! Melodie got home from Vienna last night at 9 pm. She missed Katharine - 
She watched K this morning while I went on a quick ride. Corey and I were going to ride up the canyon together, but then my derailer got messed up when I was switching gears, so I stretched at the river for a few and then coasted home. 
We live in a beautiful place.
Another alarm that I've had going off this week is "ministering". I haven't really done much at all, but today I did - I went by each of their houses, and all three of them weren't home, but I left a list pad to use for all the back to school lists that they want to make. I did something, yay. Go me. Our chrysalides are doing well. They're just chilling. I hope they all emerge ok!
Abi and Wes are enjoying Nauvoo. Abi has sent us a few pics.
I haven't gotten anything from Wes. 
They'll be done tomorrow and then will be on their way home. They are driving with Corey's brother and his family. They're going to stop and see some Church History sites on their way home and will be back on Monday. 

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