Saturday, August 13, 2022

Pretty, Party, 'Pillars

Here's my favorite photo of the day - and of course it's of KATHARINE!

Eating her fist!!! SO CUTE! I sent it on the family group text, Ethan replied "She's bald". She may be bald, but but she's the cutest and chubbiest and sweetest thing ever. School starts on Monday for Sophi, Natlaie, and Owen. Today I took them shopping and they got some school supplies and waterbottles. No clothes though. Our house is overflowing with clothing, and we're not getting any more until we get rid of some (a lot). Corey took Daniel and Peter to a birthday part for a neighbor, which was pretty cool because SPIDER-MAN was there!

I told Corey to get a pic of Peter with him so that we'd have a match from when Peter and Wes were being the webslinger (pic 2), but he didn't get one. He did get one of Daniel with Spiderman, I need him to send it to me. They had a great time at the party. It was at Luv2Play at Southtowne Mall. Corey and I don't do parties like that, and that is ok. We just hope it doesn't give Daniel false hopes or visions for what his birthday will be like next month! 

The caterpillars and chrysalides are doing well. We've got 30 chrysalides which should start coming out next week, and still 20+ caterpillars. It's fun. I've got a pretty good set up now in the laundry room. 
And I got in a fender bender today as I was on my way to pick up Ethan from Front Runner. The road I usually take was closed for a drone show near Sandy City Hall, so then I turned around and as I was turning on 106th and State street, a guy was riding his bike across the cross walk towards me and I didn't see him and slammed on my brakes kinda and then I got hit. At 6:45 for documentation's sake. So that was too bad. The lady was very nice though, and I felt bad that her car got it worse. I was a few min late picking up Ethan. We have another 2 weeks with him and Mel here before they start BYU. The elementary kids start on Monday. Exciting. 

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