Monday, August 22, 2022

Helpers & Pet Jerry

It's nice having Mel and Ethan around for a few more days before they take off to BYU this week (on Wed). Mel with Katharine yesterday - 
Since she's still here to help, this morning I asked her to get the kids out the door to school and I tried to catch up to Corey and join him on his ride. I was following him on life 360, he left like 10 min before me and was just a little bit ahead of me the whole time. Eventually I gave up trying to catch him and headed back home. He rides ALL THE WAY up the canyon to Lisa Falls. I went until I felt done, then texted him that I had almost caught up (probably not really) and then I went down to the quarry and stretched as I listened to the creek. 
We really live in such a lovely place!
When I got home we watched a few butterflies emerge - two to be exact. And then as I went about the day's tasks, I was up in the laundry room and found a butterfly flapping around on the floor. It had really messed up wings, all of them bent to one side at like 90 degrees. It was a male. It must have wandered off the milkweed and made it's chrysalis in a place where there wasn't room for it's wings to hang and straighten out! I was so sad for him! He kept trying to fly but couldn't. I decided to clip it's wings at the bend, thinking that maybe we could get it some replacement wings? 
This video gave me that idea. And true... that butterfly had one bad wing, whereas ours had 4, but I still thought it looked easy enough and we'd give it a go. Unfortunately, we don't have any spare monarch wings lying around. Mel and I tried to size up the wings from a printed pic of a monarch that looked about the right size. 
I found some thin plastic, that was the stiff, yet thin and light (from some wrapping around vellum stationary thing), thinking that that would work best, cause it wouldn't get ruined if it rains. With the plastic wings sized up the best we could, we were ready to operate. 
He did not cooperate but we did all 4 wings and they are each free and not stuck together, so we felt we had done pretty good! They even almost lined up perfectly when he closed his wings... Well, they're a little off I guess... Hm, darn.
We took him outside to see how he did. I was actually super impressed, he was able to hold himself up, but didn't get enough lift to get up in a tree or anything and soon he was on the grass again. It made a good noise though, which will be helpful for us being able to find him when he is inside. I ran upstairs into the laundry room for more supplies, and there was ANOTHER butterfly on the chair!! This one looked absolutely perfect. It surprised me so much though - I came in, saw it, and I imagined it sitting there waiting... ready to surprise me, and I walked in it shouted "TA-DA!!!! Look at ME!! I did it!!!" So I laughed and we took that one outside along with our messed up one. The good one did like 5 little victory laps over the trampoline and around the yard, it was so cute! It was like it was saying to the other "SEE! This is how you do it! It's easy!!!" And our poor guy was sad, not feeling understood or really encouraged by their showing off. So... it looks like we might have a pet butterfly. 
I called thanksgiving point to see if they have any monarch wings we could have, but I wasn't able to talk to anyone to ask... I thought maybe we'll go down there. We googled how to feed a butterfly and found two helpful videos, so we fed out pet, we've named him Jerry...
...and then I got ready to run errands and maybe go to the butterfly biosphere. I go out to the car, and noticed I had a flat tire. Blah, another thing that I wasn't planning on that it going to steal my time today - first a busted butterfly, now a flat tire. I was glad to have kids at home to help. Melodie watched Katharine while Ethan and I changed the tire. I was trying to get the bolts loose, then Ethan gave it a go, and I told him he should step on it to use his body weight instead of trying to turn it with his arms. He said "I bowl with 14 lbs, Mom..." Haha, letting me know he's got plenty of upper arm strength. And he got them all off
And then I went to Burt Bros to get the tire fixed. I left K home with Mel, but Peter saw me leave and he came long and they gave him a toy car, so that was nice. Peter was happy. They were able to patch it, we had run over a nail. And then it was time to take Owen to his trumpet lesson. I'm glad that we discovered the flat tire when I went to try and run errands rather than when I went out to go to trumpet, or else we would have missed his lesson. So, yeah, busy day with things that I wasn't planning on, but we handled it well, I think starting off the morning right with some sunshine and fresh air helped. We have a pet now, Jerry the Butterfly, and since this is one of the "super" monarchs that is larger and lives longer (like up to 6 months) we might have this guy through Christmas! It old the kids that they need to take him on walks to the neighbors flowers. He's a sweet butterfly, and it's so cool when he turns his head. He kinda looks like/reminds me of Larry the Lobster from Spongebob. He just looks really strong and cool, it's fun, so yeah, we have a pet! 

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