Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sharing Butterflies

I'm teaching Gospel Doctrine this Sunday. The topic is basically all of Psalms. It's actually just 18 chapters of Psalms, but since we didn't have class last week and won't have it next week, I'm going to open it up to any insights from any Psalms chapter, or any hymn from our modern hymnbook that has special meaning to anyone. Some of my favorites are Savior, Redeemer of My Soul, Master the Tempest is Raging, and Forever and Gethsemane sung by Nathan Pacheco. I've done as much as I can to prepare, so I trust the Lord will help me lead and will bless the class. I know I could have spent more time today trying to cram more stuff into my mind, but instead we played with butterflies (again). We had NINE emerge today! I sent a message to the neighborhood group me for people to send their kids over sometime to come and look - we had them out in the front yard and had a good turn out of kids - 

After a while it got a little windy and rainy, so we moved them to the front porch where they'd be more protected. 
7 butterflies out, still waiting for 2 more to eclose - 
Two cute neighbors, Tess and Jack, had a caterpillar that they fostered that their mom found on a hike, but then it emerged and flew away while they were gone on a trip, so they were sad to miss it. They were glad to come and see some butterflies. Jack asked if he could see some of our caterpillars, so I took him inside and showed him my set up. He was impressed. 
We had some fly away throughout the day, but a lot of them stayed for most of the afternoon! Maybe they were concerned about facing wind and rain on their first day of flying. We enjoyed having lots of time with them.
Abi was glad that they came out on a Saturday so she could play Snow White.
At one with the creatures of nature.
They are so beautiful!
We got some pictures with Katharine with a butterfly bow - 
My nieces came over to play with us - butterflies and baby Katharine = heaven!
We tried to get K to extend her finger to hold one, ha - not a natural position for a 3 months old! 
We figured the butterflies were safer on her toes than here her tight fists - 
There, perfect!
I tried to get a photo of three butterfly stages. If we just had an egg we'd have all 4!
It was a fun and magical day. 

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