Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Kindergarten Assessment

Daniel had his kindergarten assessment today. He got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Fenton - 

He starts school tomorrow and is very excited!

Lily, Peter, and Katharine all came long with us. Peter brought his backpack. 

He's ready to start school too! Sorry, Peter, but you still have a few years! I'm glad I still have little ones at home. Daniel will be with us during the morning, then will go afternoon kindergarten. That works out perfectly, since he tends to sleep in. Daniel and Peter talking to Katharine, cheering her on as she works to lift her head during tummy time. 

Mel sent me this picture she took of Katharine - 

Baby cheeks are so cute. I love my babies. So, we're ready for school to start for the older kids tomorrow. Wes will continue doing BYU High School online, which is basically Independent Study classes. He still has so much to do. He's still basically finishing up his junior year, even though he should be a senior. We're hoping he can get faster at finishing his classes. He doesn't love all the attention he gets, but Corey's got him under his thumb. Abi is going to take lessons at GMS from Melodie's former flute teacher, April. Abi will take the bus there after school on Tuesdays and will also have classes on Saturday, like Mel used to. Corey helped them get that figured out and got her a bus pass, so that will be good for her! Carpool to the jr. high is all arranged, so yeah, here we go starting our school year schedule for everyone tomorrow. And butterfly season is still going strong. My neighbor, Lisa, said the latest that she's found eggs is Labor Day, so we still probably have another month. I have a lot of Chrysalides right now - 28!! Crazy!

Plus still have plenty of caterpillars and eggs. We're interested to see these ones come out - some are so small and others are so big! 

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