Tuesday, August 16, 2022

EFY in Nauvoo

Abi and Wesley got back today from a week in Nauvoo, Illinois. They went there for EFY. They left for a cross country drive on August 7. Corey's brother Mark and his wife drove W&A out with their two boys, and Abi's friend Tara. They left early Sunday morning on Aug 7 and drove all day, stayed somewhere that night, and then checked in at 11AM on Monday. Abi sent me lots of pictures. This is the only one I have with Wes. 

Here's Abi (middle) new friend on the left, Tara on the right. 

Pretty sunset!

Visiting Carhage jail where Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were martyred. 

They did baptisms in the Nauvoo Temple! 

I don't know all the stuff that they did, but I'm assuming Wes did the same stuff that Abi did. I know they had fun.

Since she got back today, Abi has mostly been talking about the boys. But I hope her testimony of the restored gospel and of Joseph Smiths prophetic calling was also strengthened during her time there.  Here they are in the room at Carthage Jail where Hyrum and Joseph were killed.

With some of her new friends

This picture made me laugh - it's Abi with her friend Tara's curly hair! Funny.

She's a good kid, (Wes is too). We're glad that they are back safe. 

We're also grateful that they have good friends and cousins. Corey's brother Mark and his wife spent the week there, and then on the drive home, they stopped by some more church history places - like Liberty JailIndependence, and Adam-ondi-Ahman

We're glad that they were able to go have a great experience in Nauvoo! 

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