Monday, August 8, 2022

Pretty Katharine

Here are some pics from my phone from the past few days. Most are of Katharine, and then lots of caterpillars too. First, Katharine: yesterday, all dressed and ready for church

Lily got her dressed~ 
This is a cute little outfit that someone gave us when Natalie was born. It's for a 3 month old, and it has such a cute little peach sweater! We love it. It's only going to fit her for a little bit more time, so sad. She's growing so fast. A neighbor Farah gave us this blanket wrap and bow for Katharine before she was born. 
The bow is a little too big for my taste, but her sisters love it and like dressing up their baby doll in all of the outfits. 
Katharine - undressed and waiting for another change of apparel.
Katharine wondering "Are they back yet? Mom? Can you save me from this never ending fashion show?"
The big sisters are also very good at getting Katharine quiet and ready for bed. Katharine entranced by the swings swirling lights
Ready to dream - 
My new "sitting by Katharine in the car" policy is working out pretty well to keep the little boys happy with how much baby time they are getting, and I still let Owen hold her at home. :) 
The kids also took these pictures - 
They remind me of the 2 month old pictures I used to take of the kids... a tradition that fizzled out after Sophi (cause Kiddie Kandids closed). You're so cute, Katharine!
The kids take pictures of Katharine, and I do too... and of them all admiring her - 
...and I am also a caterpillar photographer. This was my favorite from today - 
This silly guy was like frozen, and I thought it was so funny how he was holding this piece of leaf - it wasn't attached to the main leaf anymore, but he was holding it with his hands! And he was just frozen - haha! so cute!
My caterpillars are doing well. 
They're getting big. I'm pleased with the bumper crop we've had this year. Here is the set up I've had - using an ice cream container for their milkweed and a cake lid from Natalie's birthday cake to catch all the frass - 
And the caterpillar nursery has been in the kids bathroom... my apologies to my teenagers. I was getting fresh milkweed in this pic (I usually don't have it in the sink!)
I hope it will bring back funny memories when they look back on their childhood. Today I experimented with keeping track of when the caterpillars j-hook compared to when they molt into their chrysalides - 
I'm going to glue the chrysalides onto the stick in order of when they molted and we'll see if they come out in order! I'm a caterpillar scientist.

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