Saturday, August 6, 2022

Park City Done

Another fun year at Park City fun is in the books. We got together for a group photo today - 
Today, Joseph was back in Utah valley and Wes was at a YMAD retreat thus they are not pictured, and of course Hyrum was not here as he's on his mission, and Mel is in Vienna so she missed it this year too. But you do what you can with who you can when you can. We met in Corey's parents room for an 11:30 brunch, then the family photo, and then I came back and tried to packed up. I had to be loaded up in time to leave by 2 and pick up Wes in Sugarhouse at 3. I fed the prarie dogs out of our window my left over spring salad mix. They liked that.
They've been a fun addition to our experience this year. We've had a little zoo out of our windows. Abi  came and helped me by holding Katharine as I packed up clothes and food.
Abi was giving her a last hug, cause she's staying up in PC for the night and then she's going to be gone all next week. She is leaving tomorrow with Mark and Chalane and their boys for a cross country trip to Nauvoo. Wes is going too, so we will be taking him back up tomorrow morning to Park City to get a ride with them as they head out. Abi and Wes and their cousins are going to EFY in Nauvoo. They will have a great experience, but of course they will miss Katharine and she'll keep getting fatter while they're gone. Her cheeks are getting so chubby! They're practically taking over her face! Her chin is almost hidden.
Peter and Abi helped me load up the car - 
I headed home with Lily, Natalie, Owen, Daniel, Peter and Katharine. Corey stayed up in Park City and did another bike ride with Sophi. Abi and her cousins re-created some old photos from when they were toddlers. 2009...
and 2022...
That was funny, we'll have to do more of those recreations next year! We were a little early picking up W, so instead of going home and then backtracking to get him, we decided to kill 30 min at a park. But as soon as we got there, Wes texted that they got back early, so then we loaded back up and luckily no toddlers got mad about it. After Wes joined us, he said that their retreat was up in Park City. He could see the Marriott from the cabin they were in. Hmm, seems like we could have coordinated that better? They don't let the kids have their phones on the retreats, but I bet if he had asked someone they would have dropped him off at the Marriott and we wouldn't have had to hurry home. But oh well. So we're home, and unpacking. Kids should be practicing their music or helping me. Like most of the kids, Natalie prefers to help by taking Katharine. 
They are playing "Princess".
Katharine is very patient with her sisters.
I'm glad that we'll have a week "break" just being here at home before school starts. Corey had planned a church history tour, but after their long drive before and after the rafting trip, he decided he didn't want to spend hour upon hour in the car. So he figured things out with Mark and was able to cancel all our reservations, and we'll save that for another year. 

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