Saturday, September 24, 2022

Backyard Picnic

Today was a perfectly lovely "beginning of fall" day. The kids had a little picnic this afternoon in the backyard. 

I think Lily set that up for everyone.

Daniel was there for a bit but then he went across the street for a birthday party for a neighbor - 

Natalie with a butterfly this evening around 5pm - it emerged late in the day! 
In the summer they almost always eclose in the morning, so I was a little worried for this one, but it's ok and good. A lovely female - 

And here's MY lovely little female! Katharine! I love her chubby legs!

And chubby cheeks and chin!

She's just heaven. Katharine asleep this morning - 

Life is wonderful. I haven't been our riding much this week, but Corey goes every day, which is great. We did take a ride together yesterday out at Corner Canyon, but I really wanted to get out today too, but it's a little tricky in the morning cause we have to get Abi to the bus for GMS. So I really tried to make it happen this evening and I'm pleased to say that I succeeded. Corey was at his parent's house working on stuff, but I saw my chance and took it, I left the kids with Katharine and I started kinda late so I knew it would be dark before I would be able to finish, so I decided to just keep going up and I called Corey (via Siri) as I rode and the timing worked out for Corey to leave his parents and pick me up at the top right when it was really too dark to see, but I made it up! Go me. Not bad for a mom with an almost 4 month old! :) It was great. Life is good. 

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