Friday, September 23, 2022

Fall is Here!

Yesterday was the first day of autumn! Hooray! The older kids (jr high and high school) didn't have school this morning, so Corey and I went to Corner Canyon for a bike ride. Corey below on our way across the Draper Alpine road ~

We did Coyote Trailhead up to Potato Hill and then across Ann's.... Peakview over to Ghost Falls. We did the Rush the End part twice. The pic below was just before the Silica Pit on our way back up. Sigh, it was just heavenly.

So gorgeous!
Can't wait to come back tomorrow and next week! Biking makes it a little easier and faster to get up and enjoy the mountains. I love it so much, totally fills my cup. 

Caterpillars are good. I've got 15 left. I thought these three were super cute, all eating the same side of a leaf together!
This one eating a window for himself to see through - 
Caterpillar season is almost done, and then I can get back to cleaning. Although household chores aren't going anywhere. No rush, the dishes will always be waiting! My sink this morning...

Most of these dishes have been waiting patiently for me for over 24 hours! Abi and I actually did clean most all of the main floor today. Katharine cried for quite a bit for Abi while we were on our ride, and she must have used up all her energy cause she took a crazy long nap! And that was helpful cause Abi and I were able to clean and clean without any feeding interruptions. I mostly did dishes, Abi did picking up and vacuuming, I cleaned glass and windows. I'm sure tomorrow no one will be able to tell how clean it was for a brief moment today, and that's all right. For date night, Corey and I went out to dinner at Aubergine in Sugarhouse (where Mel used to work). It was delicious! It helped that Corey and I had both skipped lunch today. I'm doing good making friends with hunger. I actually love feeling hungry, since I know that I'm not going to die and there is a ton of food all around me for when I'm ready. And when I get to eat and satisfy that hunger with a delicious meal, like tonight, it's just really enjoyable! Going to head to bed now so I can get Abi up for the bus to GMS before I leave for my morning ride. 

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