Saturday, September 10, 2022

Kids Taking Pics

The kids often take my camera, and they take pictures, since the camera app is one of the two apps on the lock screen that you can use without a password (the other is the flashlight app). I usually just delete the hundreds of pointless photos and videos they take, but sometimes they do get a precious photo...

Abi took these of Katharine. Maybe it's easy to get a good photo if you have a perfect subject matter. Perfect = Katharine.
The kids thought of VeggieTales when they saw her - she looks like a giant pickle! Or the Bunny idol from the VeggieTales "Bunny Song
Here are a few of the other pics, that are like the ones that I usually delete...
I can gather evidence from these photos though - like now I know that some kids got into the Nutella without permission. And I also know that I need to go to the store for bread, since the kids are using hot dog buns.
I did go on a ride at Corner Canyon this morning. Took a quick pic of the sunflowers there - The fall weather and colors should be coming soon! Other than that, we did a lot of cleaning today, Abi had her Saturday GMS classes from 7 am (catch the bus time) until she got home at 3, then Corey took her to her friends house - they were going as a group of friends to the homecoming dance. Corey took Sophi, Natalie, and Peter with him and he took them out to eat for a late birthday date. I've been listening to podcasts while I clean - I'm teaching the lesson on the 18th on some Isaiah chapters, and I've gotten over half way through Unshaken today as I cleaned! I like the Line Upon Line videos - they do a nice summary and are creative, they're good. I thought it was fun how they portrayed Isaiah as some Marvel character with super powers. I helped the kids a lot, so now the bedrooms are all clean, except for mine. 

Butterfly update - I've got 3 chrysalides (one was j-hooked and changed today) 4 large, 4 medium (gave two to Stacey for her sister) 5 small, but one of them I euthanized today - he didn't molt properly and the back half of him was stuck in a small skin. The front of him was trying to eat, but he wasn't able to move things through out his back end and I asked my other monarch friends, and Lisa said he might have OE so it would be best to euthanize, cause it's contagious and we don't want a sick guy making the migrator colony at risk. So that was sad, but we/I put him out of his discomfort and now he's eating milkweed in a heavenly garden. 

I think I still have 17 babies - I haven't found any of them crawling where they're not supposed to, so fingers crossed they're all still there. 

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