Monday, September 12, 2022

Precious Life

These three girls decided to go to church as Guatemala girls yesterday. Katharine didn't match in her pastel pink, but that's ok.

Natalie and Lily are wearing shirts that Joseph gifted them from one of his trips to Guate, but Abi, you can't fool me! Your shirt is Burmese! Ler and December (last pic) gave that to us, or Ler's brother did. Ok, we'll let is slide, Abi was wearing her Guatemala backpack. 
I take my bag with tipica to church every Sunday, it's one that I ordered from Titia's bags- the lady who makes these was in Joseph's ward or something when he was a missionary. Katharine being cute at church - pretty bow on my pretty 3 month old.
She was freaking out last night in a very uncharacteristic way and I took her on a walk to try and calm her down, and her face was all blotchy. She seriously cried from 3:30 - 4:30 yesterday! I'm wondering if she ate something that made her uncomfortable or itchy? 
If she did I don't know what it was. She might just be red cause she was crying so much. But she recovered and today she's been find, so I don't know what that was all about. My poor baby. She was just trying out what it is like to throw a fit. I'm guessing she thinks it's over rated. It's better to just be an angel baby. 

I'm really behind on the blog, and yesterday I finally finished July, yikes I'm always playing catch up. I do want to record memories for my kids though, so I'll keep at it. (And actually, truth be told, today is actually November 21st!! But I wrote on my notes for September 11 that I finished blogging July, so yeah, I'm still way behind! I think I'll blame my now almost 6 month old baby. Now, pretending I'm in the past again...) Let's talk about butterflies! "Yesterday" I didn't release any, but today we had one male emerge. 
They're just so cool and beautiful. 
I've got 2 chrysalides, three big cats, 4 medium, 5 small, and my 17 babies (I hope... they're too small to count). These four were so cute! I loved seeing them all munching away, so I made a short video. Cuties.
I love my caterpillars and butterflies!
I love my kids too. Peter being cute at violin today, playing with puzzles. 
There is so much beauty to enjoy in this world, even when there are hard and horrible trials and events too. I did think about 9/11 yesterday. We didn't watch anything, but my heart is with those who were so greatly affected by the events of that day. I am grateful that we were able to go to the World Trade Center Memorial and Museum last year. All things will be made right through Christ. I'm grateful for my one precious life. 

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