Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Peter Stuff

Yesterday in our phone call with Hyrum, he let us know that "tomorrow" (today) he's been in California for one year! I wouldn't say that it's gone fast, but I'm glad that time has passed without it being painful having him no here. Joseph was hard, being our first, but it's gone by faster with the other kids. I guess it's easy to say that though once they are back home. I like having them here. I am pretty sure that Wesley will still be here next year when Hyrum gets home, so I'm looking forward to getting some family pictures taken next fall. 

I took two videos of Peter hanging out of the bed with me today (I was feeding Katharine) - 

He was so cute telling me about all his legos. and here's another one. I liked the Spiderman hanging out/flying around upside down on the spaceship. And I like all the dinosaurs. Peter is so cute. 

After Abi was home from school, I took Peter with me to go pick tomatoes at my sister's house. I got three big bowls of delicious garden fresh tomatoes. Peter wasn't much help, but we'll pretend he was.

Peter has taken up sleeping in Wesley's bed, and when he's up there he doesn't wake up crying during the night as much. 

Katharine still wakes me up. They both wake me up quite often, but it's ok, I love it. They are sweet little kids. 
Ok, so, it's November 24th and we are up at Park City for Thanksgiving. I had a goal to finally finish blogging September while we were up here, and this is my last post, yay! But I have a few other things about Peter that I wanted to share and this seems like a good place to put them, but they happened in October and November, so that's why I'm confessing that it is November, not September... 

So, like I was saying about Peter waking up during the night, when he's up on the loft bed he'll still wake up but usually Wesley is in there to tell him it's ok and to lay back down and sleep. But at 4:40 am on Halloween morning, Wesley was gone at hockey, and Peter woke up screaming. I went in there to help him and then afterwards I texted Wesley what he said. He woke up crying "Everyone!! Everyone!!" and I went and got him and he said "Everyone is not in this house!!!" as he cried. I said "We're here! Everyone is in bed sleeping." And he said "Everyone is here?" "Yes" "Is Wesley here?" "Oh, no, Wesley is gone at hockey..." (shoot! I wasn't trying to deceive you Peter! I wasn't expecting a direct question like that though) "I don't want Wesley go to hockey..." "Ok, I'll tell him..." and then Peter went willingly back to sleep on my floor, and I told him I'd text Wesley, so I did. His little voice is so cute. 

Then on another Monday, Nov 14th, Peter woke up at 5 am screaming "Mom!!! MOM!!!" I went into their room. Peter then states very calmly: "I need to tell you something important." "ok..." "I need to go to your room." I smiled and we went into my room. In my room, Peter says "Mom, something is happening..." "What?" I asked. "My blanket is not a square..." So I go to fix it and his knees are up and he proudly says "Look, my feets are mountains." He is a beautiful little boy. And I'm glad that I am able to function very well with little sleep, and that I'm a light sleeper and have been able to help kids with all their during-the-night problems. It's been helpful to my survival and probably theirs too. 

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