Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall Conferences

After the elementary kids got home from school, I took them back over for parent teacher conferences. I've gotten good at making sure I schedule their appointments one after another. I had them D 4:15, O 4:30, N 5:00, and S 5:15. We got there ready with time to wait before Daniel's appointment, so we all went out to the kindergarten playground. Natalie took the opportunity to teach Daniel about how to increase his coolness factor on the playground. 

I recorded her advice in an instructional short video here. Cute. I took pictures of the kids and all of their inspiring work in the hallways. Owen pointing to his panda and Toucan.

And a word cloud creation all about Owen.
Natalie and a drawing of herself 

Sophi drew a picture and wrote about her summer rafting trip.

"This summer, me, five other family members, and two other families went with the Felix's to go rafting on the Salmon River in Idaho. It took us 12 hours to get up there! When we finally got there, we went down to the river to set all the rafting stuff up. We also set up our camp. The next day we unpacked, and were off. At one stop, we went to the hot springs! Whenever we stopped for lunch, we fought in the river. I didn't like how we packed and unpacked everyday! Our clothes also smelled horrible. We played "Mr. President!" So fun! My dad brought water guns so whenever there was calm water, we shot, pulled, shoved, and threw each other out of the boat! It was scary when Brother Morgan fell out of the raft. But cliff jumping..." Oh darn, I just realized there's a whole other page behind that one! I'll have to type that up when she brings this back home from off the school wall.

We went by the book fair after conference, which I always hate cause I don't want to buy them anything there and I kinda hate that they create all this pressure for parents with the "book fair" and "books and bagels" stuff to get the kids to want everything. So, my strategy for the past few years has been to ask them what they want, I'll take a picture of it (which I did) and I tell them I can order it all online if they want it and I'll get it for them for Christmas* (*if they are still thinking about it or want it! Ha, and that's how I get out of most of it) Peter did like this spiderman book. 

And so I took that picture and a few more and we walked our purchase free and yay, we were done, another successful elementary Parent Teacher Conferences done. 

Back at home, Katharine being sweet and lovely, as always. She's almost 4 months old. 

What else happened at home today? Peter slept through the night last night! It is a rare and welcome treat! 
Around lunch time, I was at the kitchen table reading and stuff, But then I got distracted by watching Peter play with his legos. 
Super cute. 
I took a video and I was glad that it didn't distract him from his game.
So cute. And Natalie's been working on her Halloween Costume options. Today she's thinking she might be a farmer. I'm sure it will change tomorrow!
Butterfly update - I know my friend says we should keep them outside, but it's just so windy and starting to get cold - I've had two of them look like they are dying by morning. They might have OE? maybe I should separate them, but they're fine when they're inside. I should probably not mess with nature, but I am and I brought them in tonight. They'll be j-hooking soon and I'll put them back outside when they are chrysalides. 

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