Friday, October 28, 2022

Back from Boston Friday

Corey and Wes got back from Boston today. 

Corey said that Wesley wasn't a willing subject of photographs, but Corey still was able to get a few shots of him. 

They went to MIT, Boston Architecture College, and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Wesley got a nice little MIT notebook that he's using as a sketch pad for his architecture drawing. He drew a nice sketch of the Boston Temple! And he got two nice pens, and he can flip both of them at the same time, one with each hand. You are very talented Wes!

They took a little ride around town on scooters, and said that was fun. 

The highlight for Wes was going to a hockey game. 

I was glad that Abi and Lily were home from school today, cause I was able to leave the little kids at home with them while I went to the airport to pick up Corey and Wes. Katharine looked so precious snuggling with Abi, she fell asleep on her. 

I told Abi that I was jealous, cause Katharine never just falls asleep like that on me. That would be a real treat. 

So it has been a nice Friday and we're glad that they made it back safely. They went off to work at the Salt Mine after they got home. Wesley is trying to finish one of his BYU classes before he leaves for India next month with YMAD. The elementary kids got home and had a primary program practice. Their primary program is at church this Sunday. Natalie reading again this evening - cute. 

Melodie sent me a cute idea for Halloween for Katharine - having her in a wrap and then turning the person into a tower and turning the baby into Rapunzel, haha!

Sophi and Natalie had a group violin class. I waited in the car for them, Katharine fell asleep on the drive over and kept sleeping after we parked. Well, she tried to wake up once and then I put some skin close to her face and she fell back asleep. 
I listened to an All In podcast with Jenedy Paige as I waited, it is so amazing! You have to listen to it, I'm going to have the kids listen to it on Sunday. Some of my take aways: Get a personal relationship with Christ through Prayer, Journaling, and Scriptures - our "PJS"! I want to start rock climbing. What is possible for me? Could I do Ninja Warrior stuff? Could I make time in my life for art? What does God want me to do with the talents and time and children that he's given me? Those were some things we talked about on our date night at Bandits, which was good except I forgot to order my dressing on the side, and I asked for them to substitute shrimp for the chicken, but they charged us for a shrimp add on, which is stupid, so next time I'll just get both. I probably didn't need to record that detail, but I'll leave it. I'll head to bed now, I'm going on a ride tomorrow, gotta keep trying to get one more in, it will probably be over in a few days, snow is on the forecast next week!

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